总的来说, CBP Form 3461 Customs Release相当于预清关,用于申报概述信息;CBP Form 7501 Customs Entry Summary, 当相于报税单, 申报完整的信息并报税。 在清关时, 报关行可以选择这两步申报,即先用3461做预清关,然后申报7501报税;也可以做一步申报,直接提前申报7501,直接在到港前就申报完整的信息给CBP,做清关...
CBP Form 3461- Instructions (10/12) CBP Form 3461 - Instructions DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY U.S. Customs and Border Protection BLOCK 1 - ARRIVAL DATE Record the month, day, year (MM/DD/YYYY) the goods arrived at a U.S. port of entry. For pre-filed entries, use the scheduled ...
7501 – Customs Entry– This is the form used to calculate duties and provide detailed information to CBP. Your payment must follow with the form. We submit both forms and funds for your duty electronically, unless you’re set up for ACH payments directly with Customs, which is preferable. ...
ICMJE Uniform Disclosure Form for Potential Conflicts of Interest INSTRUCTIONS:格式的统一披露潜在的利益冲突的形式说明 热度: CBP Form 3461 - Instructions US Customs and Border - FormsCBP的形式3461指示美国海关和边境形式 热度: Forest Carbon Offset Protocol - Response Form森林碳补偿协议-反应形式 ...
人工智能基础(第2版) x2d;高济 x2d;ai x2d;4 x2d;本 热度: SketchUp在小型建筑设计中的应用研究---优秀毕业论文参考文献可复制黏贴 热度: CBP Form 3461 - Instructions US Customs and Border - FormsCBP的形式3461指示美国海关和边境形式 热度:
根据货物的性质和价值,您可能需要填写额外的海关表格,例如CBP Form 3461(进口申报/即时交货)或CBP Form 3461-ALT(加速放行)。重要的是咨询您的运输承运人或海关代理,确保您拥有必要的文件,并符合您货物运输的具体要求。虽然Form 5106对于进口商有相关, 发往美国亚马逊FBA的所有货物都必须填写该表格。
Value ___ Weight ___ KG ___ LB ___This form indicates your choice to (1) send a single shipment in-bond for clearance, or (2) instructs FedEx Trade Networks Transport & Brokerage, Inc. (FedEx Trade Networks) to send this shipment and all future shipments in-bond for clearance...
IRS/EIN/SSN/CBP#:非常重要 NAME/ADDRES/TE *BONDHOLDER(请向美国收货人确认清关名义列如收货人本人或者报关行)*非常重要 BONDH(ImOpLoDrEteRror9.CountryofOrigin(perCBP-3461)原产地 10.CommodityHTSUSNumberHTS编码 DescriptionofGoods品名 Vessel/Voy:HouseB/L# ETALastForeignPort:MasterB/L# Thisformmustbe...
3461表是一份将货物引入美国商业系统的授权请求。 在我国销售的每件物品都已经或将要在3461表上进行核算。 在填写3461表时,有几件事需要考虑。 此表格为100%电子版。 货物描述和批准区域留空。 使用了提单上的大部分信息。 任何关税、关税和CBP费用将被支付。
A few things to consider when completing Form 3461: This form is 100% electronic. The Description of Goods and Approval areas are left blank. Uses much of the information from the bill of lading. Any duties, tariffs, and CBP fees will be paid. ...