总的来说, CBP Form 3461 Customs Release相当于预清关,用于申报概述信息;CBP Form 7501 Customs Entry Summary, 当相于报税单, 申报完整的信息并报税。 在清关时, 报关行可以选择这两步申报,即先用3461做预清关,然后申报7501报税;也可以做一步申报,直接提前申报7501,直接在到港前就申报完整的信息给CBP,做清关...
To give an idea of their functions, you can think of the 3461 like your pay-stub giving a quick overview, while the 7501 is like a tax return outlining the duties due for your shipment. The difference is that you only submit your taxes once per year, whereas you must submit the 7501...
CBP 3461 表格和 CBP 7501 表格的作用与区别 One小白 外贸独立站建站推广经验记录,总结,分享,交流,学习,进步! CBP Form 3461 和 CBP Form 7501 是进口货物在美国入境清关时需要提交的两个重要表格文件。 CBP 3461 表格 ENTRY/IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 简介 国土安全… ...
如果仓库提货(warehouse withdrawal)供外交、领事、其他特权人员个人使用,或供公共国际组织使用,CBP 7501 表格必须在第 28 栏的顶部清楚地注明“WAREHOUSE WITHDRAWAL FOR DIPLOMATIC USE”,然后加上“DS 表格 1504 附呈”(DS Form 1504 Attached)字样。 可签发通用许可证(Blanket permits)以提货(withdraw)(1)免税店...
Customs and Border Protection CBP FORM 7501 INSTRUCTIONS (Updated July 24, 2012) BLOCK 1) ENTRY NUMBER Record the 11 digit alphanumeric code. The entry number is comprised of the three digit filer code, followed by the seven digit entry number, and completed with the one digit check digit....
CBP Form 7501 - Instructions - DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY 文档格式: .doc 文档大小: 131.0K 文档页数: 32页 顶/踩数: 0/0 收藏人数: 1 评论次数: 0 文档热度: 文档分类: 待分类 系统标签: cbphomelandentryabiinstructionsform Page1DEPARTMENTOFHOMELANDSECURITYU.S.CustomsandBorderProtectionCBPFORM750...
number and master, house and sub‑house bill numbers. Record Identifier H5 (Input) CRL‑23 A mandatory cargo release input record that provides data pertaining to the country of origin, tariff number, manufacturer/shipper, line item, ultimate consignee and line item value. Record Identifier ...
A full container load (FTL) or less than container load (LTL) will need an entry summary that details what is being shipped and the value amounts for the goods in the container before it can clear customs. Form 7501 adds up all the costs and fees that mu
CBP Form 3461 is the document submitted electronically to U.S. Customs, where they either release the shipment or designate it for exam. CBP form 7501, the Customs Entry, is used to calculate duties and provide detailed information.