Further, in an infamous case that was disputed before the Dubai Court of Cassation, a person disputed his signature on a guarantee and consecutively, the court ordered in its remitting judgment that the document be passed to the crime laboratory for a comparison to be made between the true sig...
Detection of frame duplication type of forgery in digital video using sub-block based features. In: James J, Bre- itinger F, editors. Digital forensics and cyber crime. Lecture notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunica- tions Engineering. Vol. 157. Cham...
File sharing ofintellectualproperty is only one aspect of the problem with copies. Another moremundaneaspect lies in the ability of digital devices to render nearly perfect copies of materialartifacts. Take the traditionalcrimeofcounterfeiting. Until recently, creating passable currency required a signific...