CSRF Definition And Meaning Cross site request forgery (CSRF or XSRF) refers to an attack that makes the end-user perform unwanted actions within a web application that has already granted them authentication. This makes a CSRF attack different from across-site scripting (XSS) attackbecause althoug...
CSRF Definition And Meaning Cross site request forgery (CSRF or XSRF) refers to an attack that makes the end-user perform unwanted actions within a web application that has already granted them authentication. This makes a CSRF attack different from across-site scripting (XSS) attackbecause althoug...
Benutzer Daten von einer anderen Website erhält. Wenn diese Anfragen nicht ordnungsgemäß bearbeitet werden, kann der Angreifer ein CSRF ausführen. Diese Cyber-Bedrohung ist schwerwiegend genug, um die Liste derTop 10 des Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP)mehrfach zu erstellen....