With the arrival of the graduation season of 2023, many foreign students graduate with master degree or above from Chinese universities. However, it is difficult for them to apply for work permit in China if they have no work experience. 2023年毕业季即将到来,有不少在中国境内高校取得硕士及以上...
Southern China's Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) is improving employment for international talent. According to the Guangzhou Foreign Experts Affairs Bureau, the city has taken another step to further regional integration by allowing work permits to be mutually recogn...
(*) Green Channel: Applicants for Foreigner’s Work Permit in China can enjoy service through a Green Channel. *.How to apply for R Visa? (*) Online application for Confirmation Letter for High Level Foreign Talents: The inviter who invites the applicant submits an application for Confirmation...
These regulations specify the management methods for foreign employees working in China, including the application and extension of work permits, residence permits, and more. Foreign employees must apply for work permits in a timely manner to avoid expiration, as an expired work permit would render ...
Foreign talents who have entered the country with a valid R visa and have certain employment units in China and sign employment contracts. 持有效R签证入境,在中国有一定就业单位并签订就业合同的外籍人才。 Basic Documents 基本材料 ►One Work Permit for Foreigners application form. ...
(FWP) registered in the Shanghai foreign expert bureau. Only the company who has following <Human resources service license> can legally provide the China work permit agent service.If you need any more information, scan the...
⑧Representatives of resident offices in China on work visas; foreigners who have obtained the work permit to work in China for less than 90 days and are employed by domestic employers within the term of their stay; ⑧已持工作签证依法入境的驻华机构代表人员;已获得来华工作90日以下的外国人来华工...
Follow it, You will get update China visa news! 10th March 2020, Shanghai Foreign Expert Bureau provide more convenience policy for foreign experts to do their work permit application, details below:Reduction or exemption application materials for foreign high-end talents Foreign high-end talents (...
The new work permit will be the legal credential for foreigners to work in China, with a number tied to each applicant forever, said Gao Xiang, director of the Department of Policies and Regulations under the SAFEA. The pilot program will initially start in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanghai...
Work in China beyond the scope prescribed in the work permits. 五 重要提醒 Important Reminders 1.打架斗殴,破坏社会秩序的行为是违法的,将受到警方处理。 Engaging in fights and disrupting public order is illegal and will be ...