With the arrival of the graduation season of 2023, many foreign students graduate with master degree or above from Chinese universities. However, it is difficult for them to apply for work permit in China if they have no work experience. 2023年毕业季即将到来,有不少在中国境内高校取得硕士及以上...
Hongda assists you to work in China for a long-term with an easy China Work Permit application and an increased validity period of your work permit.
1. If the employer continues to employ the applicant in his/her original position (occupation), he/she shall submit an application to the decision-making body 30 days before the expiration of the validity period of the applicant's work permit in China. 1.用人单位在原岗位(职业)继续聘用申请人...
Editor's note: Work permits are issued by the Chinese government to allow foreign nationals to work in the country. Here is a guide to obtaining a foreigner's work permit. I. Apply for the Notification Letter of Foreigner's Work Permit b...
1 提供就业许可证 .Apply for employment license 2 提供工作邀请函 Apply working invitation letter 3 获得个月Z字签证在本国或香港。Obtain two month Z visa at home country or Hong kong.4 适用的工作许可 Apply working permit 5 提供一年的居留许可 Apply for one year residence permit ...
Apply for new work permit card Apply for new residence permit Scenario 3:If you are in China in any other city In this case, you will need to leave China and complete the procedures at another embassy. Most commonly, people return to their own country, or go via a nearby embassy such ...
新闻 体育 汽车 房产 旅游 教育 时尚 科技 财经 娱乐 更多 无障碍 关怀版 登录 视频加载失败,可以 刷新 试试 00:00/00:00 推荐 已经到底了 How to Get a China Work Permit上海外事商务咨询中心 发布于:上海市 2024.11.11 17:32 分享到 热门视频 已经到底了 ...
1. The domestic employing unit applies for the notice of foreigners' work permit in China on behalf of the foreigner; 2. 凭此通知,前往相关的中国驻外使领馆办理Z签证; 2. With this notice, go to the relevant Chinese embassies and consulates abroad to apply for Z visa; ...
Before coming to work in China, accurately assessing your talent type can greatlyimprove the efficiency ofyour “work permit for foreigners in China” application! When looking for a job in China, check out your “power level” first!
Q: How can foreign Chinese with doctoral degrees apply for permanent residence in China? Are there any limitations on where they can work? A: They can apply for permanent residence permits at the exit-entry administration bu...