出现这种错误是因为有些linux系统默认会使用ash进行编译shell脚本,我的机器就是这样,但是我写的脚本是应该用bash执行的。虽然我在开头注明了#!/bin/bash,好像它还是默认去找了ash,真是让人无奈。上网搜索了一下,找到两种解决方案:1、修改脚本 2、修改系统默认执行shell的工具 第一种的具体做法就是,原来的for循环...
Syntax error: Bad for loop variable 原因:代码对于标准bash而言没有错,因为Ubuntu为了加快开机速度,用dash代替了传统的bash,是dash在捣鬼。 解决方法:取消dash dpkg-reconfigure dash 出现弹框,选择NO 参考原文详情,解决报错: http://blog.csdn.net/yf210yf/article/details/9206185 3、实战:批量执行php文件 - ...
./for_loop.sh: line 1: =: command not found ./for_loop.sh: line 3: 0: command not found I have also tried to init the variable counter with declare -i counter = 0 which gives me the following error ./for_loop.sh: line 1: declare: `=': not a valid identifier bash shel...
for i in {1..10} ;do userdel -r user$i ;done 3、/etc/rc.d/rc3.d目录下分别有多个以K开头和以S开头的文件;分别读取每个文件,以K开头的输出为文件加stop,以S开头的输出为文件名加start,如K34filename stop S66filename start for files in /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/[KS]* ;do if [ `basename $f...
PowerShell # Regular expression to find the numerals in the filename, but only if the# numeral count is smaller than the longest numeral count.$pattern=$patternTemplate-f1, ($longestNumeralCount-1)for($i=0# Start at zero for first array item.$i-lt$fileList.Count# Stop on the last item...
First, let's talk about the basic structure of aforloop, and then we'll get into some examples. The basic syntax of aforloop is: for <variable name> in ;do <some command> $<variable name>;done; Thevariable namewill be the variable you specify in thedosection and will contain the ...
done echo $s 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. sh add.sh 报错: add.sh: 4: Syntax error: Bad for loop variable 代码没有错误,Ubuntu为了加快开机速度,用dash取代bash。 解决的方法:取消dash,使用bash: sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash 选择No选项。
PowerShell ForEach($userin$users) {Set-ADUser$user-Department"Marketing"} 在前面的示例中,有一个名为$users的数组,其中包含 Active Directory 域服务 (AD DS) 用户对象。 ForEach 构造会为每个对象处理一次大括号之间的 Windows PowerShell 命令。 处理命令时,$user是包含数组中每个项的变量。 在第...
In this article,we gained insights into utilizing multiple variables within a shell scriptforloop. First, we explored the C-styleforloops, characterized by their resemblance to the syntax used in the C programming language. This method is for managing more intricate loop control structures. ...