4: Syntax error: Bad for loop variable 代码没有错误,Ubuntu为了加快开机速度,用dash取代bash。 解决的方法:取消dash,使用bash: sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash 选择No选项。 4: Syntax error: Bad for loop variable 代码没有错误,Ubuntu为了加快开机速度,用dash取代bash。 解决的方法:取消dash,使用bash: sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash 选择No选项。
Method 2: Bash For Loop using C like syntax The second form of the for loop is similar to the for loop in “C” programming language, which has three expressions (initialization, condition and updation). for (( expr1; expr2; expr3 )) do command1 command2 .. done In the above bash...
linux shell 报错 Syntax error: Bad for loop variable 在linux下写了一个简单的shell,循环10次. #!/bin/bash ## ##循环10次 ##for((i=0; i<10; i++));doecho Good Morning ,thisis$i shell program. done 执行:sh 报下面的错误. Syntax error: Bad for loop variable 在网...
Linuxshellfor循环运行python程序linuxshell脚本for循环 问题本案例要求编写一个Shell脚本,利用for循环来检测多个主机的存活状态,相关要求及说明如下: 待检测的多个目标IP地址,存放在ipadds.txt文件内 ping检测可参考前一天的pinghost.sh脚本脚本能遍历ping各主机,并反馈存活状态 执行检测脚本以后,反馈结果如图...
for: 传统 shell 格式 The original for command’s syntax is: for 命令语法是: 代码语言:javascript 复制 forvariable[inwords];docommands done Where variable is the name of a variable that will increment during theexecution of the loop, words is an optional list of items that willbe sequentially...
Basic structure of the for loop First, let's talk about the basic structure of a for loop, and then we'll get into some examples. The basic syntax of a for loop is: for <variable name> in ;do <some command> $<variable name>;done; The variable name will be the variable you speci...
Linux Shell中的循环控制语句 在编写Shell脚本时,循环是一种常用的控制结构,用于重复执行一系列命令。在...
linux shell下某些命令失效,例如< 、 >等符号,例如 : 报错 Syntax error: Bad for loop variable 在终端下执行这个:选择 否 sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash
A handy way to iterate through all of the parameters passed involves the use of a while loop and the shift command. This command is what lets you iterate through all the arguments in the argument list (rather than remaining in an infinite loop)....