一、代码如下 二、查询结果如下 三、我们把it_spfli的内表内容添加两个 四、结果如下,查询的是所有的JFK和SFO机场。 总结: SAP里面的SQL语句奇葩的一米,常规的SQL的用法很多都用不了,ORDER BY不能加载最后,一加就报错,搞到半夜,气死我了。 学无止境,且行且珍惜。
In this tutorial, we will learn to use SQL for Looping and Input Variables. In the output of the procedure, we will try to pull data from a simple Date lookup table. HANA SQlscriptis of collection SQL statement forHANA Database. It is related to store procedure but it allows the users ...
inner join 前提是两个表有相同的Key可作为关联,比如 EKKO&EKPO ->EKKO INNER JOIN EKPO ON EKKO~EBELN = EKPO~EBELN.另外:BKPF&BSEG虽然有共同的Key,但是SAP不允许用Inner Join去读取它们,可能是考虑到这两个表太大了吧。当两个表不能用Inner Join的时候,用 for all entries in T_TEMP:1...
加强版的LOOP AT,可用于填充内表、根据条件汇总、计算等操作 REDUCE DATA( SUM ) = REDUCE I( INIT X = 0 FOR WA IN ITAB NEXT X = X+WA-AGE ). 可用于汇总计算 CONV LV_STR = ‘001024.012’. LV_INT = CONV I( LV_STR ). 数据类型转换,不需要中间变量 ...
ABAP随笔4- 新语法 for in / for then until 废话不多,先放上for in 和 for then until 代码语言:javascript 复制 "今天学习一下FOR的语法,常用的2个语法。 "FORwa|<fs>INitab[INDEXINTOidx][cond]"FORi=…[THENexpr]UNTIL|WHILElog_expDATAgs_maraTYPEmara.SELECT*FROMmaraINTOTABLE@DATA(gt_mara)UP...
SAP Ariba Strategic Sourcing Suite Manage sourcing and suppliers across spend categories with a single closed-loop, source-to-contract suite of solutions that handles the advanced requirements of direct materials sourcing. Learn more about SAP Ariba Strategic Sourcing Suite ...
本文续前文,继续讲解SAP ABAP中OPEN SQL的知识,本节主要介绍FOR ALL ENTRIES IN语句。 语句介绍 ABAP语言中的"FOR ALL ENTRIES IN"语句用于从一个内部表中检索与另一个内部表中指定字段匹配的记录。 代码语言:javascript 复制 SELECT*FROMtable_nameFORALLENTRIESINitabWHEREfield_name=itab-field_name. ...
sap性能优化FOR_ALL_INTRIES_IN FOR ALL ENTRIES IN 一、Select语句中使用FOR ALL ENTRIES IN需要注意的问题在ABAP编程中,使用for all entries in 是必不可少的语句,相信大家都使用过,例如:data: begin of ig_bseg occurs 0, werks like bseg-werks, ...
LOOP AT numbers ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<wa>) GROUP BY ( key = <wa>-key count = GROUP SIZE ) ASCENDING ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<group_key>). out->next_section( |Group Key: { <group_key>-key }| ). DATA(members) = VALUE itab( FOR m IN GROUP <group_key> ( m ) ). ...
SapCloudForCustomerSource SapEccLinkedService SapEccResourceDataset SapEccSource SapHanaAuthenticationType SapHanaLinkedService SapHanaPartitionSettings SapHanaSource SapHanaTableDataset SapOdpLinkedService SapOdpResourceDataset SapOdpSource SapOpenHubLinkedService SapOpenHubSource SapOpenHubTableDataset SapTableLinked...