这是编写 LOOP AT 和 APPEND 类代码的另一种方法。 与LOOP AT 类似,您也可以编写除强制 ( ) 之外的 where 条件。 FOR 迭代和 LET 表达式 LET 可用于定义变量并将它们分配给目标表字段。 嵌套FOR 迭代 这类似于 LOOP 中的 LOOP。这样可以嵌套多个 FOR 迭代。 Code in text format TYPES : BEGIN OF ty_...
加强版的LOOP AT,可用于填充内表、根据条件汇总、计算等操作 REDUCE DATA( SUM ) = REDUCE I( INIT X = 0 FOR WA IN ITAB NEXT X = X+WA-AGE ). 可用于汇总计算 CONV LV_STR = ‘001024.012’. LV_INT = CONV I( LV_STR ). 数据类型转换,不需要中间变量 ...
ty_t_matnrTYPETABLEOFty_matnrWITHEMPTY KEY."1 将gt_mara 赋值给 gt_maktx*旧语法:DATAgt_matnr1TYPEty_t_matnr.DATAgs_matnr1TYPEty_matnr.LOOPATgt_maraINTOgs_maraWHEREmtart ='ROH'. . gs_matnr1= gs_mara-matnr.APPENDgs_matnr1TOgt_matnr1.ENDLOOP.*新语法 ls_mara仅为临时变量,程序会临时...
What happens here is that the firstLOOPstatement is executed over all internal table lines in one go and the newGROUP BYaddition groups the lines. Technically, the lines are bound internally to a group that belongs to a group key that is specified behindGROUP BY.The group key is calculated ...
- FunctionModule: An ABAP function module, such as RSAU_CLEAR_AUDIT_LOG - Description: A meaningful module description. SAP - Sensitive Profiles Sensitive profiles, where assignments should be governed. - Profile: SAP authorization profile, such as SAP_ALL or SAP_NEW - Description: A meaningful...
ABAP-FOR ALL ENTRIES IN 注意点_SAP刘梦_新浪博客 在使用 FOR ALL ENTRIES IN 语句时,不少人都遇到过查询数据整条丢失或部分丢失的情况,这是由此语句自身特点造成的,如果你也遇到了这种情况,不妨按下列陈述进行查错 1.最后结果集系统会【根据主键】自动删除重复行。[主键相同的行项目仅被保留第一条]...
本文续前文,继续讲解SAP ABAP中OPEN SQL的知识,本节主要介绍FOR ALL ENTRIES IN语句。 语句介绍 ABAP语言中的"FOR ALL ENTRIES IN"语句用于从一个内部表中检索与另一个内部表中指定字段匹配的记录。 代码语言:javascript 复制 SELECT*FROMtable_nameFORALLENTRIESINitabWHEREfield_name=itab-field_name. ...
DATA FILE : /home/nw1adm/.hdb/sapa01/SSFS_HDB.DAT KEY FILE : /home/nw1adm/.hdb/sapa01/SSFS_HDB.KEY KEY DEFAULT ENV : USER: SAPABAP1 DATABASE: NW1 在此示例中,默认入口点的 IP 地址指向 VM,而不是指向负载均衡器。 请更改此条目,使其指向负载均衡器的虚拟主...
Experienced SAP administrators might choose to create the role manually and assign it the appropriate permissions. In such cases, create a role manually with the relevant authorizations required for the logs you want to ingest. For more information, see Required ABAP authorizations. Examples in our ...
03.10.2020 - New screen shots showing the new "Booster" 28.01.2021 - Changed the product name to SAP Business Technology Platform ABAP Environment You have asked. We have listened. Since SAP TechEd 2019 in Las Vegas the long awaited trial version of the SAP Cloud Platform, ABAP Environment ...