when: (ansible_distribution == "CentOS" and ansible_distribution_major_version == "6") or (ansible_distribution == "Debian" and ansible_distribution_major_version == "7") # 逻辑与 - command: /sbin/shutdown -t now when: - ansible_distribution == "CentOS" - ansible_distribution_major_ve...
其中引用变量时前缀item变量是固定的,而item后跟的键名就是在loop中定义的字典键名。 when条件判断 Ansible作为一个编排、协调任务的配置管理工具,它必不可少的功能是提供流程控制功能,比如条件判断、循环、退出等。 在Ansible中,提供的唯——个通用的条件判断是when指令,当when指令的值为true 时,则该任务执行,否则...
默认情况下,Nagios使用NRPE插件在远程主机上执行检查,但是使用Testinfra允许直接从Nagios主服务器运行测试。...与Ansible和Nagios结合使用,它提供了一个简单的解决方案,以代码形式实施基础架构。 它也是在使用Molecule开发Ansible角色期间添加测试的关键组件。 2K11 【Java学习笔记之十】Java中循环语句foreach使用总结及for...
STRUCTURE FOR EXPANSIBLE LOOPPURPOSE: To provide the structure for an expansion loop, which can be effective y applied to a large diameter pipe conduit to be laid on a narrow cavity such as a tunnel.KONO KAZUHITO河野 和仁
This role ships with sample templates located in thetest/integration/files/templates-7.xdirectory.es_templates_fileglobvariable is used with the Ansiblewith_fileglobloop. When setting the globs, be sure to use an absolute path. Proxy To define proxy globally, set the following variables: ...
resultsa list that contains the return value for each loop iteration For example, theechosvariable would have the following value: { "changed": true, "msg": "All items completed", "results": [ { "changed": true, "cmd": [ "echo", "foo" ], "delta": "0:00:00.002780", "end": ...
Deploying the Cluster Using KubeSpray Ansible Playbook Run the following line to start the deployment process: Deployment Node console Collapse Source $ ansible-playbook -i inventory/mycluster/hosts.yaml --become --become-user=root cluster.yml It takes a while for t...
Theerrorappearstobein'/opt/ansible/roles/zenextension/tasks/main.yml': line292,column7, but may be elsewhereinthefiledependingonthe exact syntax problem. The offending line appearstobe: -name:"fail playbook if draft extension failed | {{ cr_namespace}}-{{ cr_name }}"^ here ...
4. RE: Alt_disk_copy ansible playbook issue for AIX 0 Like Manoj Kumar Posted Fri August 11, 2023 10:09 AM Reply Thanks Nitish. Actually I just wanted to know if we have bulk servers and we already have clone disk available so we just wanted to remove existing clone on ...