显然,不如循环引用更好,因为不知道match_file中到底有几个匹配文件,也就不能确定match_file中的列表数量。 每个列表项中可能都包含一个或多个字典,既然with_items迭代的是列表项,那么肯定也能迭代列表中的各字典。 例如: tasks: - command: echo {{ item }} with_items: [ 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 ] re...
51CTO博客已为您找到关于ansible 中loop和withitems的区别的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及ansible 中loop和withitems的区别问答内容。更多ansible 中loop和withitems的区别相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和
1. Iteration Loop(with_items) 1.1 Compile and install through loop root@ansible-server:/data/ansible/nginx# ` vim install_nginx.yaml --- -hosts:webservers tasks: -name:installpackages yum: name:"{{ item }}" loop: -gcc -make -pcre-devel -openssl-devel -zlib-devel -perl-ExtUtils-Embed...
loop关键字不再接收一个字符串作为输入,查看Ensuring list input for loop: query vs. lookup 通常来说,任何包含在从with_X迁移到loop中的with_*用法都可以替换成loop。 需要注意的是,在将with_items替换成loop时,由于with_items执行单层隐式扁平化遍历,在使用loop作为输出时,你需要结合flatten(1)一起使用。举例...
with_flattened: 与items相同将嵌套列表"拉平展开",循环的处理每个元素 with_together: 将两个列表中的元素"对齐合并-一一对应 with_cartesian: 将每个小列表中的元素按照"笛卡尔的方式"组合后,循环的处理每个组合 with_nested: 与cartesian相同将每个小列表中的元素按照"笛卡尔的方式"组合 ...
-include_vars:"common_vars.yml"-name:modify install.propertieslineinfile:path:"{{ user_dir }}/config/install.properties"regexp:"{{ re_item.original }}"line:"{{ re_item.replace }}"with_items:"{{ deploy_var }}"loop_control:loop_var:re_item ...
Requirements will float with the collections, so it's not appropriate for ansible-base to host requirements for them any longer. Simplify dict2items filter example in loop documentation (#65505). Templating - Add globals to the jinja2 environment at Templar instantiation, instead of customizing ...
with_ 'bare variable' handling, now loop items must always be templated {{ }} or they will be considered as plain strings. skipping task on 'missing attribute' in loop variable, now in a loop an undefined attribute will return an error instead of skipping the task. skipping on undefined ...
new state=hard option added to the file module for hardlinks vs softlinks fixes to apt module purging option behavior fixes for device facts with multiple PCI domains added "with_inventory_hostnames" lookup plugin, which can take a pattern and loop over hostnames matching the pattern and is...
Ansible的Playbook语法要比SaltStack的State语法具有更好的可读性。在使用的过程中发现Ansible在实现loop的更加的简洁,也可以使用相对路径。举例说明,SaltStack在备份文件A.txt和B.txt的State语法为: # back up A.txt and B.txt{% for remote_target %}/backup/{{ filename}}:file.managed:‐ source: salt://...