But the show had a great deal of fun with the alternative history conceit. Most of the cast consisted of fictional characters, but it also incorporated some real people, with veteran character actor Chris Bauer playing Deke Slayton, who lived a very different life in "For All...
今天看了《为了全人类..今天看了《为了全人类(For All ManKind)》,也是AppleTV+的自制剧,题材是美国的登月计划,第一集剧情有点枯燥但还是值得思考的。说段好玩的剧情。有段剧情是在阿波罗11号发射之前,发射
For All Mankindis hardly the most nuanced take on the US-Soviet relationship – aside from a few scenes between Madison, astronaut Danielle Poole and their Russian counterparts, almost no common ground is acknowledged between the nations. Yet the cold war setting has made the s...
“For All Mankind” isn’t always sure — but it’s undeniably compelling to watch it try to figure it out. “For All Mankind” premieres November 1 onApple TV Plus
今日IGN为尚未播出的Apple TV+旗下首部自制剧《为了全人类(For All Mankind)》打出了9分的高分,该剧由乔尔·金纳曼、莎拉·琼斯(《诅咒》)主演,讲述美国在太空登月竞争中输给了苏联,NASA宇航员们要向火星等更远的地方探索的故事。该剧集主创为《太空堡垒卡拉狄加》的幻想剧大手罗纳德·D·摩尔,《冰血暴》制片人...
For All Mankind: Directed by Al Reinert. With Jim Lovell, Russell Schweickart, Eugene Cernan, Mike Collins. An in-depth look at various NASA moon landing missions, starting with Apollo 8.
Danielle Poole is one of the best characters currently on TV, and Krys Marshall brings her to life beautifully, with so much passion and a keen insight into the character she embodies. For All Mankind Season 4 Episode 5was a doozy. As the tensions on Mars rise, Danielle and her longtime...
据外媒报道,美国电视艺术与科学学院(ATAS)宣布,Apple TV+原创节目《For All Mankind》和《Calls》为这家位于库比蒂诺的科技巨头赢得了2021年艾美奖。当地时间周三,ATAS宣布了第73届艾美奖的获奖名单,包括动画、互动编程和动作设计等评审团奖项。 其中,《For All Mankind》获得了艾美奖互动节目类的杰出创新奖,尤其是...
Season 5 confirmed For All Mankind 😁 Plus a spinoff series: Star City Apple renews “For All Mankind” and announces new spinoff series “Star City” “For All Mankind” has landed a renewal for season five, and Apple TV+ will expand the universe with spinoff series “Star City." ...
August 12thsaw the conclusion of the third season of For All Mankind, the alt-history hard science space race melodrama that’s among the weirder Apple TV+ projects just because of the specificity of its genre mash. The first season opens with the Soviet Union beating the United States to ...