EARLY in the second season ofFor All Mankind, Ronald D. Moore’s counterfactual take on the space race, astronaut Molly Cobb is faced with an impossible decision: let a friend die on the lunar surface as a massive solar storm hits, or rescue him and risk getting a fatal...
Alternate-history drama "For All Mankind" speeds forward in time, to a tense '80s Cold War on the moon. In an age of many different shows about the past and present of the space program, Apple's entry, "For All Mankind," has been one of the more creatively successful...
August 12thsaw the conclusion of the third season of For All Mankind, the alt-history hard science space race melodrama that’s among the weirder Apple TV+ projects just because of the specificity of its genre mash. The first season opens with the Soviet Union beating the United States to ...
and a fairly sharp one at that. In the world of “For All Mankind,” female astronauts become a presence at NASA far earlier than in the real world, causing ongoing ripples of change. These characters, each distinct in their own ways, jolt the series with a necessary shock of narrative...
Apple TV+ space-race series 'For All Mankind' improves on Season One with liftoff into strong dramatic territory. Alan Sepinwall's review
Today it is confined to glass vials kept under high security in six laboratories. To those who vividly recall the suffering of itsdoi:10.1177/002070204700200311S. Mack EastmanInternational Journal: Canada's Journal of Global Policy Analysis
Episode 556 << Click to Listen [Apple Podcasts] [Download MP3] John Joseph Adams, Sara Lynn Michener, and Rafael Jordan join us to discuss Seasons 1 and 2 of the Apple TV+ series For All Mankind. Please support us on Patreon or sign up as a sponsor.
For All Mankindappears in both an aspect ratio of approximately1.33:1and of1.85:1on this 4K UHD Disc. Shot on 16mm film, the Dolby Vision disc offered a good replication of the source. If that sounds like a conditional recommendation, it is. 16mm material recorded under less than ideal ci...
For All Mankind: Created by Ronald D. Moore, Ben Nedivi, Matt Wolpert. With Wrenn Schmidt, Joel Kinnaman, Krys Marshall, Cynthy Wu. In an alternative version of 1969, the Soviet Union beats the United States to the Moon, and the space race continues on f
This column containsfull spoilersfor Season Two of Apple TV+’sFor All Mankind. If you want to know more about the season without being spoiled, read ourpre-season review. “I started jogging again.” This sentence is uttered by astronaut Gordo Stevens (Michael Dornan) midway through the Se...