Football Manager 2025 Football Manager 2024 Football Manager 2023 Football Manager 2022 Choose from a number of styles and packs to customise your game 1.7k posts FMG Standard Logos Megapack FM25 By Johno, Thursday at 11:26 Football Manager Kits Featuring our in-house style FMG Kits...
3D Slovakia kits 2022/2023 Patres10-12/02/20230 FM22 | Slovakia to lvl 4 by Tefal Patres10-24/12/202113 FM22 | Brazilian Database Hotfix Patres10-16/11/202110 Latest articles Addons Elevate Your Football Manager Experience – Exploring Graphics Addons and Kits ...
·Lead Your Team to Victory: Create the perfect formation, win trophies, and become your team's legendary manager!FOOTBALL LEAGUES & COMPETITIONSClassic National Cups:International Cup (Men & Women)European National CupAmerican National Cup (South & North)Asian National CupAfrican National CupGold ...
mobile data and disturbing calls. The brand new MEmu 9 is the best choice of playing Football League 2023 on PC. Prepared with our expertise, the exquisite preset keymapping system makes Football League 2023 a real PC game. MEmu multi-instance manager makes playing 2 or more accounts on the...
Mods will come, in time, to introduce even more playable leagues in deeper parts of football's pyramid system. The Football Manager modding community usually has a fix for things like the real names, along with missing badges, kits and player faces on day one. These add a little bit of ...
·Lead Your Team to Victory: Create the perfect formation, win trophies, and become your team's legendary manager! FOOTBALL LEAGUES & COMPETITIONS Classic National Cups: International Cup (Men & Women) European National Cup American National Cup (South & North) ...
* NEW MANAGER AND HEAD COACH ROLES * NEW TACTICS * NEW TRAINING * NEW TEAM TALKS * NEW 3D CHARACTERS * NEW 23/24 SEASON DATA CHOOSE FROM HUNDREDS OF FOOTBALL CLUBS Choose from 820 Football clubs in 38 leagues from 14 different countries across the world. Create your legacy and build your...
Find out how many gamers are playing and watching Football Manager 2024 right now on Steam and Twitch. Get up-to-date player and viewer count stats for the most popular games with GitHyp!
Find Football Manager 2021 data updates that enable you to fix fake competition names, add new leagues, get roster updates & take on custom scenarios in FM21.
Human Manager Introduce amanager skill treewith perks that can be unlocked using the wages you earn. For example, be able to unlock languages or else you'll get a "fog of war" on conversation when you start off not knowing a language. Other options to unlock could be related to training...