Football Manager 2025 Football Manager 2024 Football Manager 2023 Football Manager 2022 Choose from a number of styles and packs to customise your game 1.7k posts FMG Standard Logos Megapack FM25 By Johno, Thursday at 11:26 Football Manager Kits Featuring our in-house style FMG Kits...
A free online football manager game where you can try your skills against the football community around the world. The game focus on coaching football. It's easy to play but hard to master!
Become a football manager. Assemble a squad of football superstars and climb to the top of the soccer manager world. This is a new and fresh football manager g…
User Summary: This original release for the ZX81 with 16K RAM Pack (or a ZX80 with ROM upgrade kit and 16K RAM Pack) had an inlay with a full colour image on the front, with the Addictive Games logo, and spine printed with a white background. This earl
Shankly's red army was all-conquering. As a manager Bill believed in redistributing the spoils to everyone, bar the blue hordes from Goodison, 'course. Number 4? These words of Shankly represe… Read more £27.00 Eric Cantona "When the seagulls follow the trawler, it's because they th...
Die Verpflichtung von Vince Lombardi am 2. Februar 1959 als Head Coach und General Manager markierte einen Wendepunkt. Zuvor war Lombardi, zusammen mit Tom Landry, der später Head Coach der Dallas Cowboys wurde und dabei oft gegen die Packers spielte, Assistant Coach der New York Giants un...
Coach Ronnie Moran grew to become caretaker manager; he received three of the ten matches he was in command of, as they fell further behind Arsenal. The first of three options was an emerald jersey with a brown and white stripe going diagonally throughout the shirt, primarily based on KB ...इप्सविच_टाउन_एफ.सी. ...
Welcome to Retro Football Management, the game that breathes new life into classic football seasons. This simple, fun and free football manager game allows you…
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