heart arrhythmias with anxiety with insomnia with digestive disturbances and with adrenal fatigue so you tell me do they add to your health do they give you energy or is it not such a good idea and the number one food that destroys your health is sugary drinks like soda and like we ...
A groundbreaking 2021 study revealed that individuals with heart disease who consumed at least two servings of fatty fish per week experienced a remarkable 20% reduction in their risk of heart attacks, strokes, and even death. Furthermore, fish consumption has been linked to a lower risk of ar...
says that a high-fat diet can raise the risk of heart disease and cardiovascular illnesses, such as atherosclerosis. We generally feel that it happens when we consume high-fat diets for long periods. However, a recentstudysuggests that just one high-fat meal can cause damage to your heart....
Your body is getting an instant rush of sugar when you eat that dollop of frozen yogurt, the tastiest macarons, or sip a fizzy cola, usually more often than the quantity that anyone should preferably take. It can lead to diabetes, depression, heart disease, malignancies, renal and liver ill...
Soybean is a popular food that can be easily grown, being rich in protein (40% on a dry basis). The FDA’s approval of a health claim for soy in 1999 (“Diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol that include 25 g of soy protein a day may reduce the risk of heart disease”) ...
12, 13, 14 In this review, we provide an overview of the available information, briefly summarize current research related to the gut-microbiota–heart axis, present current knowledge regarding foods that may increase CVD risk, and illustrate how metabolites become CVD risk factors via gut-...
Different factors can cause heart disease. One thing that has been shown to influence this is high levels of bad cholesterol, or LDL cholesterol in the body. But a recent study found that daily consumption of ginger-pasted powder led to a decrease in LDL cholesterol levels. ...
As many dietitians know, heart disease is the No. 1 killer of both men and women in the United States, accounting for one in every four deaths. Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the most common type, leading to angina, arrhythmias, heart attack, and heart failure, and it’s responsible ...
Potential mechanisms for the cardiovascular protective effects of n-3 fatty acids are suggested to be; anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic (reduced platelet aggregability), and antiarrhythmic (reducing the risk of potentially fatal cardiac arrhythmias), lowering of heart rate and blood pressure, hypotriglyc...
It is well known that youshould not feed chocolateto your dog, and this includes cocoa powder from your spice rack. Cocoa powder can increase your dog's heart rate and potentially cause arrhythmias or even a heart attack. Other potential symptoms include diarrhea, increased urination, restlessnes...