Maintaining a healthy blood glucose level, blood pressure, and cholesterol is essential to preventing the complications of type 2 diabetes. Recent advances in therapy include the use of GLP-1 receptor agonists, which have shown positive effects beyond glycemic control, such as weight loss and reduce...
During my annual medical check up, my LDL (bad) cholesterol was very high. I was so overwhelmed by concerns for coronary artery disease and other complications of chronic cardiovascular diseases that I stopped thinking about the urinary symptoms, even though my prostate was found ...
A whopping 14.7g in 100g are fat, however the majority of the fat in an avocado is actually the healthier version of fat, called monounsaturated, which can help in lowering bad cholesterol levels. There is a link in the reading list below that gives you more information about what monounsat...
body depends on blood flow, especially the heart and brain. A diet high in whole grains and fruits like avocados can cut the risk of heart disease and lower badcholesterol. This reduces your risk of plaque buildup and enhances blood flow, offering a simple, tasty way to fire up brain ...
Grains for Human HealthCerebral Palsy and Nutrition—A Global PerspectiveChanging Times for Vitamin D and HealthChildhood Diet and the Impact on Physical and Cognitive DevelopmentChildhood Eating and Feeding DisturbancesChinese National Nutrition Survey 2012Chocolate and Cocoa in Human HealthCholesterol and ...
For instance, dietary fibre adds bulk to the diet and adsorbs and sequesters cholesterol. In turn, this helps to decrease hepatic absorption and increases the excretion through bile and faecal lipids and bile acids. Soluble fibres are more easily fermentable by gut bacteria, possessing prebiotic ...
based oil, but it is the one most often used in the blue zones. Evidence shows that olive oil consumption increases good cholesterol and lowers bad cholesterol. In Ikaria, we found that for middle-aged people, about six tablespoons of olive oil daily seemed to cut the risk of dying in ...
you have to aim for the diet that cuts down on foods that are harmfull to your heart and blood vessels. This means you have to cut down drastically on eating fast food, food that has high continent of fats – especially fried foods (they contribute most to bad cholesterol) and change ...
The Mediterranean diet’s high fiber count encourages satiety, so enabling you to feel full and satisfied with less calories. Heart Health Heart-healthy fats, antioxidants, and fiber abound on this diet, which can help lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, and guard against heart disease. Redu...
California avocados are not only a key ingredient in Chef Williamson’s featured recipes, but they are also a heart-healthy superfood that provides naturally “good” fats and are sodium-, cholesterol- and trans fat-free. One-third of a medium avocado (50 g) has 80 calories and contributes...