2024). Assessing the frequency and duration of future hotspots of food insecurity is essential for developing effective policies and initiatives to improve food security (Mathenge et al. 2023; Gebre and Rahut 2021; Sileshi et al. 2019). Climate models are essential tools for understanding the ...
The main objective of this study is to examine the impact of food insecurity on the health outcomes of SSA countries. Accordingly, the DKSE result ofmodel 1Aconfirms that the rise in people’s prevalence for undernourishment significantly reduces their life expectancy in SSA countries. However, th...
integrated food security phase classification (IPC)livelihood coping (LHC)reduced coping strategies index (rCSI)National food insecurity early warning systems and food policy interventions need reliable information concerning the classification of food insecurity. The aim of this paper was to produce an ...
(Ingredion, 2014). Despite this growing spread of food products claimed to be “natural”, the naturalness of a food product is still a rather vague concept, quite difficult to define properly (Rozin, 2006; Siipi, 2013). Indeed, a universally and formally accepted definition of food ...
A detailed explanation of data processing and preparation for analysis is presented in the SI. To determine the types of foods offered and shared via the platform we first classified all listings into food categories using a supervised deep learning long short-term memory (LSTM) network. An LSTM...
Danila Cianciosi, Tamara Y. Forbes-Hernández, Lucia Regolo, José M. Alvarez-Suarez, ... Francesca Giampieri Article 131904 Article preview Abstract Abstract Polyphenols are plant secondary metabolites, whose biological activity has been widely demonstrated. However, the research in this field is a...
Author Contributions: Dr Sievenpiper had full access to all of the data in the study and takes responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis. Concept and design: Semnani-Azad, Khan, Sievenpiper. Acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data: All author...
Pikulska A (2017) Wpływ drapieżnictwa wybranych ssaków na wyspowe populacje mewy siwej i śmieszki na odcinku środkowej Wisły. MSc Thesis, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University of Warsaw, Warsaw R Core Team (2017) R: a language and environment for statistical computing. R Foun...
Global crises affecting food security have kept increasing for four years in a row, with almost 350 million people expected to suffer from food insecurity
Lei Weng Si (Clara), in Food and Society, 2020 16.11 Halal Halal foods are generally associated with Muslims and others who follow a Muslim diet. Halal certification is a must-have requirement to import food products into Muslim countries. The meaning of the word Halal comes in many interpret...