compliancewithfood safety requirements,ifit has left their control, and to recall the food if has reached the consumer. A.I.9 第 19條規定,倘若食物不符合食物安全規定,有關的食物業 經營者須收回已離開其控制範圍的食物,以及回收已售予消費者的食 物。
Food safety —Part 1: Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of food safety management systemsSécurité des denrées alimentaires —Partie 1: Exigences pour les organismes procédant à l'audit et à la certification de systèmes de management de la sécurité des denrées aliment...
Trade is closely linked to food security, nutrition and food safety. It influences agricultural output, the variety, quality and safety of food and the composition of diets. Globally accepted standards enable trade by making it more transparent and efficient, giving confidence to all participants and...
食品安全管理体系审核与认证机构的要求标准主要内容如下:1. 组织背景:该标准规定了食品安全管理体系审核与认证机构的要求,旨在确保这些机构在审核和认证过程中能够遵循一定的规范和标准,确保食品安全管理体系的有效性和可靠性。2. 机构要求:该标准
1. Applicable only to adhesive layers used in direct contact with food; The adhesive layer used for indirect contact with food shall comply with the relevant national food safety standards for direct contact with food. 2. Only applicable to adhesives containing aromatic polyurethane and other adhesi...
GB 14880 Food Safety National Standards for the Usage of Nutrition Enrichment This standard specifies the main purpose of nutritional fortification in foods, the requirements on using nutritional fortification substances, the selection requirements for fortifiable food categories and ...
Food safety — Part 2: Requirements for bodies providing evaluation and certification of products, processes and services, including an audit of the food safety systemdoi:ISO 22003-2:2022本文件是对ISO/IEC的补充17065.它规定了适用于食品安全体系(FSS)审计和符合认证方案要求的产品,过程和服务认证的规则...
What is the BRCGS Certification? Discover how the Global Standard for Food Safety secure retailers’ ability to guarantee the quality and safety of the food products they sell.
The standard shall require that the organisation control purchasing processes to ensure that all externally sourced materials and services, which have an effect on food safety, conform to requirements. Where an organisation chooses to outsource any process that may have an ...
Development of the exports supply chain of fish from Kenya; Overview of the EU regulation on food safety requirements for imports of fish; Phases of restrictions imposed by the EU on fish exports from Kenya.关键词: public policy government expenditure rural poverty productivity growth India ...