Food and Rural Affairs, the Department for EnvironmentDeˌpartment for Enˌvironment,ˌFood andˌRural Afˈfairs, the(abbrev.Defra) the British government department which is responsible for farming, food production, and the safety of food products. It is also responsible for protecting ...
最近,英国环境、食品和农村事务部(Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs)通过Talentlens的Watson-Glaser Criti…|基于 1 个网页 2. 英国环境食品和农业事务部 还可以联络英国环境食品和农业事务部(Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs), 星期一至星期五9:00——17:0…...
1【题目】DEPART MENT FOR ENV IRONMENT ,FOOD AND RURAL AFFAIRSCERT IFICAT E OF MANUFACT URE ANDFREE SALET he Secretary of State for the Department for Environment,Food and Rural Affairs,on thebasis of information provided by the exporter,ccrtifies that the product(s)described below andconsigne...
英语翻译DEPARTMENT FOR ENVIRONMENT,FOOD AND RURAL AFFAIRS CERTIFICATE OF MANUFACTURE AND FREE SALE The Secretary of State for the Department for Environment,Food and Rural Affairs,on the basis of information provided by the exporter,ccrtifies tha
commissioned bytheDepartment for Environment,Food and Rural Affairs(DEFRA) (now transferred to the new [...] 该项目的成因如下:首先,英国国际发展部(DFID)正与中国的主导部委即国家发改委 (NDRC)持续开展气候变化与发展方面的工作;其次,英国环境、食品与乡村事务部(DEFRA)(现已...
Find out which words work together and produce more natural-sounding English with theOxford Collocations Dictionaryapp. Try it for free as part of theOxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionaryapp. Check pronunciation:the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs...
We are responsible for improving and protecting the environment. We aim to grow a green economy and sustain thriving rural communities. We also support our world-leading food, farming and fishing industries. Defra is a ministerial department, supported b
释义请查阅词条:Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, the 随便看 player player player of the year player-piano player piano playerpiano player pianos Player's players players play fair play fast and loose with play fast and loose with something ...
This was an appeal against an Order of Collins J., in which he granted the respondent a declaration that the appellant was not acting in compliance with Directive 91/414 (the directive) and ordered the appellant to reconsider and as necessary amend his policy in accordance with th...
DepartmentforEnvironmentFoodandRuralAffairs464646 系统标签: affairsruraldepartmentenvironmentseeradfood DepartmentforEnvironment,FoodandRuralAffairs ScottishExecutive,EnvironmentandRuralAffairsDepartment NationalAssemblyforWales TheRabies(ImportationofDogs,CatsandOtherMammals)Order1974(asamended) Applicationforalicencetoimpor...