4th March 2014: “We may be eating dangerous dye, sawdust, soap, stone, industrial starch or aluminium foil along with food,”said Assistant Professor of Chemistry Leena Singh, who has done research in adulteration. Adulteration is easy money for traders and slo...
Adulteration Checks Code of Federal Regulations Sanitary Condition Sanitation Procedures Implementation 02 Step Pursue Formal Training/Course If you are willing to opt for a career as a Food Inspector then you need to follow the formal training that we are going to discuss in this step. To becom...
Quantitative Detection of Donkey Hide Gelatin (Colla corii asini) Adulteration by Real-Time PCR on the Basis of Single-Copy Nuclear Genes Liu, RuiZhao, LuyaoWang, ZhiyingLi, TongChen, AiliangYang, Shuming 194-199 Survey of Aflatoxin M1 in Commercial Liquid Milk Products in China Shi, Run...
The Act apart from making stringent provisions (e.g. prescribing higher penalties etc.) to curb Food Adulteration also ushers in new concepts such as putting in place Food Safety Management Systems to ensure the availability of safe and wholesome food for human consumption. However, Small and Me...
Others will seek alternative use of vague terms such as “natural, organic, and health foods” because food processing is viewed as an adulteration of our food. There is an organic food myth, and we don’t even agree on what “organic foods” means, a term coined by the late JI Rodale...
Simi- larly, ads improved the iodized salts uptake and have been instrumental in reducing the prevalence of Iodine deficiency disorders in countries like Turkey and India [11]. The ads also generated considerable awareness against the adulteration of mustard oils by argemone that caused epidemic ...