Many states, which had showed considerable levels of adulteration in bottled water in the previous financial year, have not given their data for this year. Gujarat at 40 per cent, Haryana 30 per cent and Uttar Pradesh at 28 per cent contamination last year, ...
This article is about food safety and food adulteration in urban India. Situated at the relational interface of foods and their contaminants, it considers ways of thinking and acting at the porous boundaries between bodies and environments. The article details how people attempt to detect where ...
Food Adulteration can be defined as the practice of adulterating food or contamination of food materials by adding few substances which are collectively called the adulterants. Adulterants are the substance or poor quality products added to food items for economic and technical benefits. Addition of ...
In India, adulteration and contamination are encountered in food consumed at the household level, in the food service establishments and business firms, and also when sold as street foods. Non-permitted colors are the most common additives to foods. Contamination of mycotoxins, metals and pesticides...
Although it is used widely in Indian cooking, depending on the mustard seeds from which it is prepared, mustard oil (mustard seed oil) can be hazardous to health because of its relatively high content of erucic acid and AITC. In addition, mustard oil adulteration (for example, with the addi...
Adulteration Checks Code of Federal Regulations Sanitary Condition Sanitation Procedures Implementation 02 Step Pursue Formal Training/Course If you are willing to opt for a career as a Food Inspector then you need to follow the formal training that we are going to discuss in this step. To becom...
J.Spink, inEncyclopedia of Food Safety, 2014 Conclusion Food adulterationis an evolving concept due to increased detection methods for contaminants (“we're catching more fraud”) as well as the growing opportunity for fraudsters to profit from the acts (expanding global markets). The food adulter...
written in 375 BC, was mentioning food adulteration and punishments to be given to traders indulging in such anti-social activities. People in pre-historic times knew about the benefits and safety of various foods and the sale of adulterated food was dealt with by Criminal Acts that existed dur...
01 Jan 1970Posted By: E-StartupIndia FSSAI sets new quality standards to avoid adulteration in honey The fact is beyond any contradiction that FSSAI has been rigorously scrutinizing various kinds of domains under the food industry, because of which many striking insights with respect...
So far, the Prevention of Food Adulteration Act prescribed food standards and also established an inspection system for marketed products. But it did not seek to identify and prevent sources of contaminants. With elongated food chain, rapidly changing technologies and greater consumer awareness, it ...