Specificity and Inheritance: Ensure that your CSS selector has enough specificity to apply the font size correctly. External CSS Libraries: If you're using any external CSS libraries (like Bootstrap), make sure their styles are not overriding your custom styles. Linking the Correct CSS File: En...
Enterfont size. ClickExtensions > Markdown. Go to theWorkspacetab. Try to change the value in theFont Sizebox. Copy link vscodebotbotcommentedJan 9, 2020 (Experimental duplicate detection) Thanks for submitting this issue. Please also check if it is already covered by an existing one, like:...
bPointSizeValid A setting of true indicates that the point size is valid. bstrFaceName String containing the name of the font. iCharSet Integer containing the character set, (e.g., RUSSIAN_CHARSET). wPointSize Specifies the point size of the font.Applies...
maybe give the change to change it or just use some themes from vscode ? Votes 3 Upvotes Translate Translate Report Report Follow Report More Reply Geert-S Community Beginner , /t5/after-effects-bugs/problem-font-in-expression-editor-changed-in-23-2/idc-p/13578360#M2981...
bPointSizeValid A setting of true indicates that the point size is valid. bstrFaceName String containing the name of the font. iCharSet Integer containing the character set, (e.g., RUSSIAN_CHARSET). wPointSize Specifies the point size of the font.Applies...
[in] Dialog box font size. pDlgTemplate Byte[] [in, size_is(dwSize)] Font size passed in with dwSize. ppDlgTemplateOut IntPtr [out] Pointer to the processed dialog box template. Returns Int32 If the method succeeds, it returns S_OK. If it fails,...
bPointSizeValid A setting of true indicates that the point size is valid. bstrFaceName String containing the name of the font. iCharSet Integer containing the character set, (e.g., RUSSIAN_CHARSET). wPointSize Specifies the point size of the font.Applies...