Add our super-simple embed code to your site and have instant access to ALL of Font Awesome. <i class="fa-regular fa-heart"></i> Place icons on your website with a simple, memorable syntax. And easily change styles when the mood suits you. ...
fontawesome所有图标class类名单,适用于4.7.0版本。 总计有593个图标class类(包含别名): fa-500px fa-address-book fa-address-book-o fa-address-card fa-address-card-o fa-adjust fa-adn fa-align-center fa-align-justify fa-align-left fa-align-right fa-amazon fa-ambulance fa-american-sign-language...
With over 2,000 free and open-source icons, you're sure to find what you need... without paying a dime. Icon Wizard Add modifiers to any core Font Awesome icon. Over 1.8 Million possible icons! Icon Upload Need a different icon or style? No problem. Upload your own! We've even got...
Font Awesome Icons – List of 6500+ Free FA FA Icon (Version 6, 5, 4) Get FA FA Icons List of Fa Solid, Fa Regular, Fas, Brands, and Far. This list of Font Awesome cover the Version 6, 5, and 4 icons. You can edit and customize these Font Awesome Icons i
Brand Icons All brand icons are trademarks of their respective owners. The use of these trademarks does not indicate endorsement of the trademark holder by Font Awesome, nor vice versa. fa-adn fa-android fa-apple fa-bitbucket fa-bitbucket-square ...
只需要创建一套新的 Font Awesome 工具套件 然后将套件代码加入到您项目模板的 head 代码标签中。 配置工具套件 查询与添加图标 浏览成千上万的 v6 图标,您一定可以找到一些您中意的,然后将他们的CSS类名写到 <i> 标签里,添加到HTML页面中。 <body> <!-- 粗体 --> <i class="fa-solid fa-user"><...
使用Fontawesome字体的方法非常简单,你需要使用一个内联元素li或span来作为容器,然后为它添加class fa fa-xxx,fa-xxx是你需要的字体图标的名称,例如: fa-camera-retro fa-camera-retro 如果你改变字体图标容器的大小,字体图标将随之发生变化。其它可继承的CSS属性也是相同的道理。 更详细的使用方法请参考:如何使用Fon...
fa-font-awesome  4.6 复制为svg fa-fonticons  4.4 复制为svg fa-fort-awesome  4.5 复制为svg fa-forumbee  4.3 复制为svg fa-forward  复制为svg fa-foursquare  复制为svg fa-free-code-camp &#x...
我如何设置 FontAwesome 图标的颜色、大小和阴影? 例如,FontAwesome 的网站将显示一些白色图标和一些红色图标,但不会显示如何以这种方式设置它们的 CSS … 您也可以只添加内联样式: <iclass="icon-ok-sign"style="color:green"></i> <iclass="icon-warning-sign"style="color:red"></i>...
<i class="fa fa-fonticons" aria-hidden="true"></i> Note: to improve web accessibility, we recommend using aria-hidden="true" to hide icons used purely for decoration. Looking for more? Check out the examples. Font Awesome 4.7.0 · Created by Font Awesome Font Awesome licensed unde...