您可以将Font Awesome 图标使用在几乎任何地方,只需要使用CSS前缀<fa>,再加上图标名称。 Font Awesome 是为使用内联元素而设计的。我们通常更喜欢使用 <i> ,因为它更简洁。 但实际上使用 <span> 才能更加语义化。还请注意,如果更改图标容器的字体大小或颜色,图标也会更改。同样的事情也适用于阴影,以及任何使用 ...
Font Awesome 4:fa fa-500px  Try it fa fa-address-book  Try it fa fa-address-book-o  Try it fa fa-address-card  Try it fa fa-address-card-o  Try it fa fa-adjust  Try it fa fa-adn  Try it fa fa-align-...
However, what actually work are the icon names I found here: https://www.w3schools.com/icons/fontawesome_icons_brand.asp, given as examples. But only if I insert them in the CSS Classes (optional) box. Could you please explain to me how the fontawesome icons work? Thank you Attachments...
Font Awesome 5 Introduction ❮ Previous Next ❯ Font Awesome 5Font Awesome 5 has a PRO edition with 7842 icons, and a FREE edition with 1588 icons. This tutorial will concentrate on the FREE edition.To use the Free Font Awesome 5 icons, you can choose to download the Font Awesome ...
STOP! ✋ Read this comment: 👉 #996 (comment) 👈 I would like to be able to list some icons using a select element. I tried by adding a inside the option like this: <select name='example'> <option value='1'> <i class='icon-phone-mobile'> </...
❮ PreviousNext ❯ Text Icons The table below shows all Font Awesome Text icons: IconDescriptionExample fa fa-align-centerTry it fa fa-align-justifyTry it fa fa-align-leftTry it fa fa-align-rightTry it fa fa-boldTry it fa fa-chainTry it ...
Font Awesome 5Font Awesome 5 Intro Icons Accessibility Icons Alert Icons Animals Icons Arrows Icons Audio & Video Icons Automotive Icons Autumn Icons Beverage Icons Brands Icons Buildings Icons Business Icons Camping Icons Charity Icons Chat Icons Chess Icons Childhood Icons Clothing Icons Code Icons ...
Font Awesome 5Font Awesome 5 Intro Icons Accessibility Icons Alert Icons Animals Icons Arrows Icons Audio & Video Icons Automotive Icons Autumn Icons Beverage Icons Brands Icons Buildings Icons Business Icons Camping Icons Charity Icons Chat Icons Chess Icons Childhood Icons Clothing Icons Code Icons ...
Font Awesome 5 Design Icons ❮ PreviousNext ❯ Design Icons The table below shows the Free Font Awesome 5 Design icons: ❮ PreviousNext ❯ COLOR PICKER