Fomantic UI treats words and classes as exchangeable concepts. Classes use syntax from natural languages like noun/modifier relationships, word order, and plurality to link concepts intuitively. Get the same benefits asBEMorSMACSS, but without the tedium. ...
Many peoplefrom the community helped improving Fomantic-UI over the past 4 years. Thanks! Breaking changes Build Installing from npm does not automatically start the building script anymore to make other package managers, like yarn, work.
Fomantic UI includes twelve named colors. Components with color variations inherit these global variables when defining how colors should appear. Eachlevel of inheritanceincludes a special filesite.variableswhich defines theme-wide defaults that each component can extend. ...
Fomantic-UI should basically still work in iOS Safari 9+, Android 6+, but, starting from v2.9.0, we won't support them anymore if anything works different than in recent versions. ↩ Fomantic-UI should basically still work in IE11 / old Edge, but, starting from v2.9.0, we won...
目录 收起 semantic ui fomantic-ui: semantic ui 最近在练习前端页面的时候发现了一个非常好用的前端框架:semantic-ui。链接。顾名思义,这个框架是语义化的ui框架。相比其它ui框架,我更喜欢semantic-ui。最重要的两个原因是在书写规则和类的搭配上。其书写规则也非常简单: class里面以...
$.toast({ message: 'Do you really want to star Fomantic-UI?', displayTime: 0, class: 'black', classActions: 'top attached', actions: [{ text: 'Yes, really', class: 'green', click: function() { $.toast({message:'You clicked "yes", toast closes by default'}); } },{ text...
Fomantic-UI是一个基于Semantic UI构建的用户界面框架,它提供了一套优雅、可定制且易于使用的UI组件,可以帮助开发人员快速构建现代化的前端界面。 在Fomantic-UI中,可以使...
Fomantic UI classifies components into different definition types depending on its qualities. Each of these five types uses a unique definition format. GlobalsGlobals are styles that are applied across a site. These include things like CSS resets, and sitewide font, link and sizing defaults. ...
Look! ui top dimmer Works also very well with transitionsfade uporfade down $('.partially.example .dimmer') .dimmer({transition:'fade up',on:'hover'}) ;
$(window).on('resize',function() {varcircularSteps = $('.ui.stackable.circular.steps'), isMobile =window.innerWidth<=768;if(isMobile) { circularSteps.addClass('vertical'); }else{ circularSteps.removeClass('vertical'); } }); Shipping ...