> Fomantis hates having its naps interrupted. It fires off beams using energy it gathers by bathing in the sun. Versions: Height1' 00" Weight3.3 lbs Gender CategorySickle Grass Abilities Leaf Guard Type Grass Weaknesses Fire Ice Poison
偽螳草(Fomantis)的圖鑑編號為#753,主要基礎屬性為grass(草),最佳攻擊技能招式的配招為連斬(Fury Cutter)加打草結(Grass Knot),最佳防守技能招式的配招為飛葉快刀(Razor Leaf)加打草結(Grass Knot)
Brand: Pokemon Center Product Code: #PL0951 Availability: 0 22 Product(s) Sold US$49.99 VAT/Import taxes not included SOLD OUTPokemon Center 2017 Fomantis plush toy. It was only available at the Pokemon Centers in Japan in January, 2017, for a very short time and in very limited ...