By definition followers must be involved in order for the act of leadership to occur. In fact, "leaders can only lead when enabled by followers to do so". Despite the importance of the role of followers, much more attention has been given to the study of leadership than followership. This...
(or leading) and followers (or following) interacting together in context (Hollander, 1992a; Lord et al., 1999; Padilla et al., 2007; Shamir, 2012; Uhl-Bien & Ospina, 2012). This definition identifies followership through two lenses: followership as a rank orposition(i.e., role), and...
Dhahri, A., Iqbal, M. R., Darwish, N., & Vijay, V. (2020). The importance of followership in a crisis -lessons learnt from a survey of junior doctors perception of leadership during the covid-19 pandemic.Journal of Universal Surgery, 8(6), 1–4.
In the fifth emigration, these high-definition videos were used to quantify task performance by determining whether each tandem took to reach a nest, and if it failed to do so, exactly where in the arena it broke up. The audio track of the overhead camera was also used to record a ...
inspire readers to challenge the current definition of leadership and explore more inclusive and holistic paradigms.Distributed Leadershipprovides a comprehensive and constructive contribution to the field of leadership and will be an essential read for academics and scholar-practitioners interested in ...