Ultrasound-Guided FNA and Molecular Markers for Optimization of Thyroid Nodule ManagementThyroid nodules are a common clinical problem. The prevalence range by palpation is 3–7 %. Imaging with thyroid ultrasonography detects numerous additional nodules with prevalence rate ranging from 20...
[2]HanbidgeAE, ArensonAM, ShawPA,et al.Needle size and sample adequacy inultrasound-guided biopsy of thyroid nodules[J].Can Assoc Radiol J,1995,46(3):199-201. [3]KimMJ, KimEK, ParkSI,et al.US-guided fine-needle aspiration of thyroidnodules:i...
英文:The doctor recommended using FNA to confirm the nature of the thyroid nodule. 中文:在超声引导下进行的FNA检查几乎无痛,且准确率较高。 英文:The FNA procedure, guided by ultrasound, is almost painless and has a high accuracy rate. 中文:FNA结果显示该肿块为良性,患者无需过于担心。 英文:The ...
Sonographic findings of thyroid nodule should be accurately evaluated before ultrasound-guided thyroid FNA, peripheral calcification avoided in the process of puncture, and the range of lift and insertion controlled to improve cell numbers and specimen satisfaction. KEYWORDS: Thyroid nodules;Fine needle ...
As cytopathologists who run a fine-needle aspiration (FNA) clinic, performing not only freehand sampling of palpable thyroid nodules but also ultrasound-guided aspiration of subclinical lesions, we read with great interest the article by Rossi et al, in which they remark on the need to postpone...
摘要 目的:探讨超声引导下细针穿刺(ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration,US-FNA)诊断甲状腺良恶性结节的临床价值。方法:选择2019年7月—2021年7月期间大理大学第一附属医...展开更多 Objective To explore the clinical value of ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration(US-FNA)in the diagnosis of benign ...
)and crude needle biopsy (US -CNB )in the diagnosis of different size thyroid nodules.Methods :A total of 106patients with thyroid nodules admitted to our hospital from March 2020to March 2022were selected and grouped ac-cording to the maximum diameter of the nodule ,Patients with a nodule ...
Outpatient Cytopathology Center is a medical practice dedicated to the performance and interpretation of ultrasound guided FNA.
Dr Liker, Dr Nadelman's Assisting Ultrasound physician, also explained what he was and would be doing, went out of his way to make sure that I was comfortable, even gave me a squeeze ball when he noticed I was tense before the procedure began. Clearly he and Dr Nadelman were a well...