参考文献 [1]DegirmenciB, HaktanirA, AlbayrakR,et al.Sonographically guided fine-needle biopsy ofthyroid nodules:the effects of nodule characteristics,sampling technique,and needle sizeon the adequacy of cytological material[J].Clin Radiol,2007,62(8):798-...
Ann Surg Oncol, 2013, 20(8): 2462- 2467.Thyroid nodule evaluation:US-FNA and on-site cytology assessment. Lupo MA. Endocrine Practice . 2013Lupo,M..Thyroid nodule evaluation: US-FNA and on-site cytology assessment[J].2013,4(4).
FNA biopsies should be done on any swollen or abnormal lymph nodes in the neck. This may be more accurate in diagnosing thyroid cancer than FNA of the thyroid nodule itself! FNA biopsy should be done on thyroid nodules that have a certain characteristic under the ultrasound. ...
甲状腺结节CEUS、FNA和消融 甲状腺结节超声诊疗:CEUS/FNA和消融治疗 12 临 诊 床 断 背 策 景 略 34 消融策略 临床规范 1.高发病率 据2019年国家癌症中心发布的最新数据显示,甲状腺癌成为近十年来增长速度最快的恶性肿瘤,位列女性高发癌症的第四位。1.高发病率 Differentiatedthyroidcancer(DTC),whichincludes...
9.Feasible Study of Cell Morphometric Analysis on Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma Diagnosis by FNA;利用细针穿刺的细胞形态定量分析诊断乳头状甲状腺癌的可行性研究 10.Clinical Value of Percutaneous Lung Puncture with CT Guiding for Pulmonary DiseasesCT引导下经皮肺穿刺细胞学及活检的临床诊断价值 11.Value of fi...
The influences of thyroid nodule size, compositions, calcification, TI-RADS classification, puncture times, and special location of thyroid micro-nodules (≤ 1 cm) on FNA specimen satisfactions of thyroid nodules were evaluated. ResultsThe overall specimen satisfaction was 82.4% (446/541). The ...
triaging of each patient based on 1) nodule location, 2) ultrasound features, 3) laboratory data (in particular serum calcitonin levels), and 4) a consultation with a surgeon who manages thyroid disease is routinely performed to identify those patients who should undergo thyroid FNA even during...
Keywords:thyroidnodules;fineneedleaspiration;cytokeratin;thyroidperoxidaseantibody;C-TIRADSclassification;diagnosticvalue 甲状腺结节是指甲状腺组织中的异常肿块或小团块,是临床上非常常见的一类病症[1-3]。调查结果显示,甲状腺结节在人群中的发病率达18.6%,其中5%~15%结节呈恶性,即甲状腺癌[4]。早期诊断并采取积极的...
We present the case of an indeterminate BRAF-positive FNA that showed no evidence of cancer on final surgical pathology. METHODS: Case report and literature review. RESULTS: An 87-year-old female with an indeterminate 1.7-cm nodule but BRAF-positive cytology underwent thyroid lobectomy. Final ...
Is fine needle aspiration really not necessary in patients with thyroid nodules≤1 cm with highly suspicious features on ultrasonography and candidates for... The low rate of progression associated with the potential complications of thyroidectomy makes active surveillance an increasingly recommended manageme...