尊敬的华硕用户,您好!建议您卸载触摸板驱动后,至官网重新下载安装ATK驱动与触摸板驱动安装后,尝试使用FN+F9 开关触摸板。希望以上信息能够对您有所帮助。若以上回复还是没有帮您解决您的问题,欢迎您继续追问。感谢您对华硕的支持和关注,祝您生活愉快!
Suddenly, the FN/F9 to disable the mousepad on this G750JW doesn't want to work. I've tried with the Smart Gesture and checked where it tells me if I have a wireless mouse installed & that did nothing. I also uninstalled the ATK package and reinstalled it again from the ...
I'm not aware of any recent changes to my pc that could have caused this behavior. I've tried pressing Fn+F9 to disable the touchpad, because I constantly trigger it while typing with my thumbs. I tried uninstalling the touchpad driver, didn't work. I think I had a synaptics touchpa...
推荐理由:华硕品质,坚如磐石,轻薄的机身,实现您想要的移动轻办公,四核处理器,带来流畅操作体验。该款华硕(ASUS) S4300FN 14.0英寸 笔记本目前已有1800+人评价,获得了90%的好评率,评价其运行稳定,轻薄精巧,运行超快。 评价1:华硕灵耀2代 型号i5-8265u 运行:8g 内存:固态512g 颜色:冰钻金 屏幕大小:14寸 价格:...
1、根据您的描述,建议您通过以下链接下载安装win8.1 64bit版本ATKACPI驱动和SmartGesture触控板驱动安装试一下;ATKACPI驱动win8.1 64bit版本:http://dlsvr04.asus.com/pub/ASUS/nb/Apps_for_Win8.1/ATKPackage/ATKPackage_Win81_64_VER100036.zip SmartGesture触控板驱动win8.1 64bit版本:ht...
https://dlcdnets.asus.com/pub/ASUS/nb/Apps_for_Win10/ATKPackage/ATK_Package_V100061.zip Good Luck I installed the driver for the trackpad but there is no change. Fn + f9 still doesn't toggle the pad. Also updated the ATK and no effect either. ...
Perform an ASUS Factory Restore by pressing F9 at the ASUS splash screen. Choose to "Recover Windows to the 1st Partition". This will overwrite your C: drive, so backup any important files you've stored there first. If the ASUS Factory Restore fails to resolve your issues, I recommend ...
On my laptop the Fn + Brightness Up/Down keys (F9 & F8 respectively) do not change the screen brightness. The brightness can be changed in Windows settings apps or in the charms bar. Please place an X to the right of the option showing how often you see this issue using s...