I don't know for sure if this is happening since the latest Asus Z13 System Control Interface update that was released Oct 26th (give or take), but before this was working fine. Now the fn f7/f8 buttons don't work for screen brightness. When I start the MyAsus app, it says it nee...
Registrací zařízení budete moct snadno spravovat své záruky, kontaktovat technickou podporu a mít všechny informace o opravách. Rozšíření záruky:Klikněte zde. * Upozorňujeme, že dostupnost produktových řad Premium Care se může v jednotlivých zemích lišit....
ASUS NumberPad之驱动程序,是用来安装ASUS NumberPad的软件驱动程序,此软件支持键盘和触摸板的输入功能,让硬设备可以正常运作。Minimum OS Version :Windows 10 64-bit 19H1设备列表 :CHICONY/G2ASUX432Z-CO01SHA-256 :D69B217C990B1182641D38C19BA4956CA8CA2E1A47C1D7B65A5FD9FB412BF018FAQ :- [Notebook...
View all Asus X82S manuals Add to My Manuals Save this manual to your list of manuals Page 5 highlights Fn> + 35度。 A W G 26 modem SPDIF / 88 ³ 避免在灰塵飛揚或是環境髒 亂的場所使用筆記型電腦, 因灰塵容易引起系統故障。
AsusNBFnKeys_v1.7.2.zip 2013-9-8 09:51 上传 32.08 KB, 下载次数: 238, 下载积分: PB币 -1 Update v1.7.2 Fixed some bugs introduced in v1.7 which made kext not working Added screen backlight on/off for Fn + F7 for those whose backlight is not working (it is done in soft mod...
View all Asus F80S manuals Add to My Manuals Save this manual to your list of manuals Page 5 highlights Fn> + 35度。 A W G 26 modem SPDIF ³ 避免在灰塵飛揚或是環境髒 亂的場所使用筆記型電腦, 因灰塵容易引起系統故障。 請勿用手觸摸或按壓筆記型 ...
Before I did this, the LCD switch Fn+F7 key worked fine - it turned off the primary laptop display while keeping any external monitors alive.With Windows 8 (Ultimate), the key instead turns all monitors off but this is not permanent.After a few seconds (it varies, between...
Hello, I have a old Asus G73 JH and i press fn + F7, when i'm connected to a external monitor or TV, i just get the monitor of the laptop - 613719
Added screen backlight on/off for Fn + F7 for those whose backlight is not working (it is done in soft mode, but you can use attached patch for hard wired backlight control in zenbooks,credits: qwerty12) Improved support for ALS sensor of Zenbooks which is reported to be working well...
I upgraded to 11.2-U5 at the time I could not set the iSCSI device (now reported as a bug). I've reverted to 11.1-U7 (active boot under the gui). I am trying to re-setup iSCSI to esxi 6.0 with FN 11.1.U7 which was working before (following John Keen's guide). I've done a...