Advanced dismounting of the slide and magazine Functioning of the FN Model 1906 (I) Functioning of the FN Model 1906 (II) Functioning of the FN Model 1906 (III) Includes an animated sequence of the firing cycle The safeties of the FN Model 1906 John M. Browning's FN Pocket Pistols Other...
M1935手枪又称为GP35(法语the Modele 1935 pistolet autamatique Grand Puissance的缩写),在法国有时也简称为勃朗宁自动手枪(BAP),在英语国家则称之为勃朗宁大威力手枪(Browning High Power或Browning Hi-Power),简称BHP。规格参数 名称:勃朗宁大威力手枪 制造商:阿根廷国营兵工厂,勃朗宁武器公司 生产年限:...
2933983 Semi-automatic pistol, Ruger William B, Sturm Ruger & Co, Apr 26, 1960 - ROTC 22 Rifle I earned a number of marksmanship medals shooting at the Stanford ROTC range. Don't remember the make or model of the rifle but it had a military style wooden stock, leather sling and peep...
"Baby" Browning pistol of unknown maker FN "Baby" versus FN Model 1906 - FN catalogue of 1937 - "Baby" model magazine versus model 1906 - "Baby" model barrel versus model 1906 - How to select one model or another - Model 1906 trigger mechanism versus "Baby" ...
勃朗宁手枪(英文:Browning Pistol),是枪械设计师约翰·摩西·勃朗宁设计比利时赫斯塔尔国家兵工厂(FN)及美国柯尔特、雷明顿公司制造的系列自动手枪。勃朗宁手枪M1900型口径7.65毫米、枪长203毫米、枪管长142毫米、子弹7.65×17毫米、枪重907克、枪口初速318米/秒、上弹方式为10发单行插入式弹匣。勃朗宁手枪,采用...