功能性MRI(functionalMRI,fMRI)显示出的脑、脊髓结构(尤其颅底、脑中线白质影象,fMRIUtilizebloodflowoxygenlevel-dependent(BOLD)changes,ratioofoxyhemogrobin(Oxy-Hb)to deoxy-hemogrobindeoxy-Hb)orarterialspinlabeling(ASL).todetectimageof cerebral activity& highspatialandtemporalresolution.)另有磁共振血管显影(M...
组合使用以下关键词:(精神病性障碍或精神病性或精神病性或精神分裂症)AND (first-episode OR first episode) AND (fMRI OR MRI, functional OR functional MRI OR functional MRI OR MRI, functional) AND (connectivity OR resting state OR resting state OR AIFF OR fAIFF OR ReHo)。然后对相关综述和荟萃分...
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) allows researchers to investigate the mechanisms underlying information processing in the human brain. Most fMRI studies use standard MRI scanners to collect images sensitive to changes in blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) contrast, which provides an ...
这可以用扩散核磁共振成像(diffusion MRI)来检测,这是一种测量水分子运动的技术。NeuroSpin(巴黎一家专注MRI发展的研究机构)的神经科学家和物理学家Denis Le Bihan说,尽管扩散核磁共振成像检测神经元膨胀变化的确切机制仍然不十分清楚,但一个可能的解释是,细胞的膨胀改变了神经元膜周围水分子的组织方式。 越来越强大的...
在探索人类思维、情感和行为背后的神经机制这一复杂而迷人的领域中,一项关键技术脱颖而出——功能磁共振成像(Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, fMRI)。它犹如一个无形的窗口,使科学家和医生得以窥见活体大脑内部的工作状态,无需手术刀,不产生辐射,却能描绘出大脑活动的动态画卷。本文将带领读者走进fMRI的世界,揭...
Functional MRI (fMRI) is the use of MRI to detect localized changes in brain activity,usually in the form of changes in cerebral metabolism,blood flow,volume,oroxygenation in response to task activation.These changes are interrelated andmay have opposite effects.For example,an increase in blood ...
英语翻译Functional MRI (fMRI) is the use of MRI to detect localized changes in brain activity,usually in the form of changes in cerebral metabolism,blood flow,volume,oroxygenation in response to task activation.These changes are interrelated andm
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) allows researchers to investigate the mechanisms underlying information processing in the human brain. Most fMRI studies use standard MRI scanners to collect images sensitive to changes in blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) contrast, which provides an indi...
Related Terms fMRI Description Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is the term used in general to describe a group of MRI techniques that are capable of tracking physiological changes in living tissue, as well as delineating anatomy. The term was first applied by Moonen and colleagues ( ...