艾波特和研究同仁利用功能性核磁共振造影(functional magnetic resonance imaging fMRI), … drug.9939.com|基于8个网页 3. 功能性磁共振成像 ... related potentials ERP)、功能性磁共振成像(functional magnetic resonance imaging FMRI)等新方法的运用还不多。 www.lunwentianxia.com|基于2个网页 更多释义...
fmri functional magnetic resonance imaging phr. 功能性磁振造影 functional magnetic resonance imaging phr. 机能性磁共振成像 blood oxygenation level dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging phr. 血氧水平依赖功能磁共振成像 magnetic resonance imaging phr. 磁共振成像 magnetic resonance 磁共振 spin...
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is increasingly used in the work-up of brain tumour patients preoperatively to assess the relationship between the functionally eloquent cortex and brain pathology. In cases of presumed tumour localisation in or near eloquent brain areas, such as the motor...
FMRI 英文缩写FMRI 英文全称Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging 中文解释功能磁谐振成像 热门英文缩写词 TD(追踪驱动) TOM(主内存顶端) TSOPs(小型薄型封装) UMA(上部内存区) ULVS(超低电压信号) USWV(非缓冲随机混合写入) VCRAM(虚拟通道内存) VCMA(虚拟通道内存结构)...
FMRI:Functional magnetic resonance imaging 功能磁共振成像技术,这就是通常我们提到的功能性核磁共振成像,或大脑成像技术。 Handbook of Functional MRI Data Analysis 这本书在我做大脑和语言读写认知相关研究的时候,收录了进来,但是一直没有机会仔细阅读和分享。今天快速给感兴趣的朋友做个导读: 作者分别是,美国德克萨...
6) fMRI 功能磁共振成像(fMRI) 例句>> 补充资料:磁共振功能性成像 磁共振功能性成像 磁共振成像术语。 检测特定部位的功能活动诱发的局部血流及血氧成分变化导致的磁共振信号变化的成像方式。目前,fMRI尚仅初步用于脑和心肌的功能性成像中。以脑的功能性成像为例,现可用于检测视、听及运动功能等以及语言信号刺激...
Functional magnetic resonance imaging(fMRI) due to its high spatial and temporal resolution in addition to its noninvasiveness has become the method of choice for studying systems-level brain function. MRI in general can generate the anatomy of different tissue types in the brain; however, it take...
Functional magnetic resonance imaging(功能性磁共振成像) captures snapshots of the brain in action. While this specialized type of magnetic resonance imaging has transformed cognitive neuroscience(神经科学), it isn't a mind-reading machine: Neuroscience can't look at a brain scan and tell what ...
功能性磁共振成像(Functional magnetic resonance imaging, fMRI)和正电子发射计算机断层显像(Positron emission tomography, PET)可能有助于FMDs患者的诊断,功能成像区分FMDs与对照组的敏感性和特异性超过68%。Carine等人的研究发现FMDs患者的边缘和运动回路...