SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi all, I am using FM read_text, in which its expecting value for the text. If text is blank in the text box, its giving following error. Text 410000001600010 ID F01 language EN not found if i use INCLUDE its working, means the output is blank.Rep...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development ABAP Development Programming Tool View products (1) Hi Experts , i am new to ABAP .I have a requirement to read text mentioned in SO10 . I dont have to use hardcore text in smartforms as well as sapscript . I have to take it from SO10 . I do...
READ_TEXT is used to read the "sapscript" text which is stored in transaction SE75 and SO10. You have standard text which is in SO10 and Text objects which is configured via SE75. For example, everywhere you see "long text" in a text editor on a screen, chances are that it is s...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development I call FM READ_TEXT after assembling the keys to STXH into a structure of type THEAD, and reading STXH. If STXH exists, then I call READ_TEXT FM to get a table of type TLINE. I've noticed that in some instances the first two columns of TDLINE...
SAP ABAP unicode转换成中文 未转换的报文: 转换后的报文: 用到的代码: FORM frm_unicode_to_char CHANGING p_data. DATA: lv_patt TYPE string VALUE '\u',"可以根据实际情况修改此处的值 ... 解决:ssh_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi! I was wondering if there is another function module in SAP that functions just like the function module "ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE". You see, I have a problem with the length of alsmex_tabline since it only has a length of 50. This leaves ...
Hope this helps you too Attaching code in below post. 1. To add an item 2. To add an item with subitems 3. To delete an item Reply Former Member In response to Former Member 2011 Nov 09 1:57 PM 0 Kudos 251 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Priyanka Chowdry, ...
Demo report taken from SAP help TYPE-POOLSabap.DATA:lineTYPEcLENGTH80,text_tabLIKESTANDARDTABLEOFline,filenameTYPEstring,filetypeTYPEcLENGTH80,flengTYPEi.DATA:funcTYPEstring,ptabTYPEabap_func_parmbind_tab,ptab_lineTYPEabap_func_parmbind,etabTYPEabap_func_excpbind_tab,etab_lineTYPEabap_func_excp...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development hi experts, I have captured a text using Read_text Fm .now i need to use it inside a smartforms .how to do . i have used that code inside a program line . and in text i have called the field. declaration in form interface text type char20 itab...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi , In our RFC to place an order we are using the FM CREATE_TEXT to save header text in salesorder . The text that needs to be saved is entered through the front end ( java ). Now the issue we are facing is that , if in the front end they...