Hello, I am looking for a BAPI/FM to create only Inbound delivery. Pleace help me on this. Thanks and appreciate your help Thanks, Amrutha.
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, Look at the below piece of code to find the syntax for a push button in ABAP : SELECTION-SCREEN:BEGIN OF BLOCK b1 WITH FRAME TITLE text-010. SELECTION-SCREEN SKIP 1. SELECTION-SCREEN PUSHBUTTON 70(4) but1 USER-COMMAND create. SELECTION-SCREEN PUS...
The following training tutorials guides you how to create smart forms step by step in SAP ABAP. SAP Smartforms are excellent alternatives used toSAP Scriptsand referred as mass printing as they are system independent. They allow printing forms in Customer Relationship Management as well as in the ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Guru, First you need to decide, what goes in to the function module and what comes as output. 1. Go to SE37. 2. Type the FM name and click create. 3. Now, Define the Attributes like if it "remote enabled" etc. 4. Then define the Importing...
In SAP ABAP you will learn the step-by-step procedure to create a foreign key in SAP ABAP with proper screenshots of every step.
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Connectivity, ABAP Development If JWT stands for JSON Web Token, than there is no standard way to create a token via ABAP (as far as I know). but you are invited to write an Open Source solution for that 😉 Reply p244500 Active Contributor 2019 Jun 17...
SAP BTP, ABAP Environment Generate RAP BO As mentioned in the introduction, you can use the BC Maintenance Object ADT Wizard to create a RAP BO with Transport Selection. In this blog I want to focus on the Fiori Elements part of the story. Inthis tutorial, you will learn how to use th...
In this case where we want to create the custom entity in the SAP CP ABAP Environment System you have to run the class in the backend system where the RFC function module is being called since the structureBAPI_EPM_PRODUCT_HEADERis not available in the SAP ...
Let us now return to the TABLES statement. When the program is executed, the TABLES statement will create a table structure in memory based on the structure previously defined in the ABAP Dictionary. This table structure will include all of the fields previously created, allowing the records from...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development ABAP code to create and write to a file: Check whether file already exists OPEN DATASET g_out_file FOR INPUT IN TEXT MODE ENCODING DEFAULT. IF sy-subrc IS INITIAL. File g_out_file already exists. Do not write to an existing file Error message STOP....