本帖是KorlOne新出的一款Classics24经典皮肤补丁,里面包含之前的v1.3以及走暗黑系风格的v1.4,大家可以二选一。这款FM2024皮肤结合了市面上不少皮肤的优点,比如HEFFEM Skin、FLUT Skin、MATERIAL Skin、TATO skin等等,然后添加进去作者自己的创意。就不在这里描述皮肤外观了,附上原帖的大量截图一目了然,第三张埃因霍...
资源介绍: 由国外玩家budwaiser4制作的FM2024_ 深蓝简洁风格皮肤包Material Skin 2.0.24,这次更新的是v1.02。 使用方法: 1、下载解压缩后 2、将文件夹放到:我的文档\Sports Interactive \ Football Manager 2024 \ skins \下(没有的文件夹可自行新建) 3、然后进入游戏,参数设置,选择这款皮肤,然后再偏好选择内...
这款青黑色皮肤Material Skin一直挺受欢迎的,现在带来正式版的第2版,感谢作者budwaiser4。他基于FM2022官方默认皮肤上打造出了这款主打黛色的皮肤,黛色也就是青黑色。这一配色不是市面上千篇一律的深色,看起来别具一格,游戏的时候感觉清爽舒服阅读文字不吃力。这修复了
EnableReload Skin when confirming changes in preferences. Hit the Confirm button. Work In Progress I'm currently working on finishing my update of some of the major regions in europe. I have not yet updated some of the biggest countries (like england or italy), as I am waiting for the be...
Ignace Maes, whose Material Skin project inspired the original material design theme for Dragablz, which in turn led to me starting this project Material Design Extensions is a community repository based on this library that provides additional controls and features. Contributors! Thanks for the PRs...
OPZ, Evo, Priisek and Material Mozaik Skin Preview How to install the Mosaik FM21 Skin Download the .rar archive and use a tool such as 7-zip for Windows or The Unarchiver for MacOSX to extract its contents. Move the extracted folders to your skins folder: \Documents\Sports Interactive\...
Our hearts cry when we see the suffering of our people, we can’t understand such hate for a person based solely on the color of their skin. In the name of George Floyd, David McAtee, Breonna Taylor, and countless others murderd by police brutality, we call for Justice, Transparen...
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Each planet shows or is governed by distinct qualities hence to alter those qualities these precious stones are advised to be worn in particular metal, next to skin. It is also advised to be worn in the particular finger; hence the ring is not only jewelry but something more, if these ...
- Quantity: 24 pieces - Material: High-quality plastic - Application: Ideal for foaming hand soaps, shampoos, and conditioners - Benefits: Eco-friendly, portable, and reusable 2. 30pcs 1ml 2ml 3ml 5ml Mini Dropper Bottles for Essential Oil Aromatherapy ...