Best FM skin! mcswifty • 1 year ago Great skin as always, my favorite one. However, when you update it @Wozzie - Please add a changelog. 1 neenee • 1 year ago Great skin! Although there seems to be a issue with the kit being displayed behind a player if you hover ...
TangFu skin for Football Manager 2024. Enjoy FM24 with more neutral colors, which are easier on the eye.
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Our hearts cry when we see the suffering of our people, we can’t understand such hate for a person based solely on the color of their skin. In the name of George Floyd, David McAtee, Breonna Taylor, and countless others murderd by police brutality, we call for Justice, Transparen...
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Chelsea owner, Roman Abramovich recently suffered a suspected poisoning along with Ukraine peace negotiators that caused the skin to peel off… Read More Want to work with us? Advertise, invite us, be a guest etc Contact Us Then EVERYTHING ELSE #TechTuesday: How To Make Money From Goog...
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留洋转会制,国内转会费限制 如果把这些都做好考验很大啊 分享912 ac米兰吧 💧0℃💧 听说fm21今天发了,有没有老哥入手,发几个重点球员的属性看看呗 分享173 fm2021吧 amzmmz fm21那个跳过比赛补丁怎么都失败了,按步骤放在skin里了 分享2赞 多特蒙德吧 Hanabi🍭 fm到了21年人全跑了魏三德莱尼拉尔森,不知道...