Custom widget import error #4930 closed Nov 28, 2024 switches to next FocusNode, but Textfield is not focused #4888 closed Nov 28, 2024 Text Field "Done" padding #4933 closed Nov 28, 2024 Place API google key reveal in chrome #4871 closed Nov 28, 2024 ...
import'/flutter_flow/flutter_flow_animations.dart';import'/flutter_flow/flutter_flow_icon_button.dart';import'/flutter_flow/flutter_flow_theme.dart';import'/flutter_flow/flutter_flow_util.dart'; And replace it with the package import:
For example, you can use Align widget to set the alignment or use Stack widget if you want to make the button floating above other widgets. Stack( children: [ Container(color: Colors.grey), Flow( delegate: FlowExampleDelegate(myAnimation: _myAnimation), children: _icons .map<Widget>((...
Display a loading screen during initialization. If initialization fails, show an error message with a “Retry” button. If initialization succeeds, show the main app UI. We can handle these scenarios—loading, error, and success—by creating a custom StatefulWidget called AppStartupWidget. This w...
for the sample App. You can customize it by introducing a widget for the one-time password sign-in and a widget for the custom challenge. Once the user signs in, the App will display the HomePage showing a button for the user to sign out. Follow these steps to create the sa...
for the sample App. You can customize it by introducing a widget for the one-time password sign-in and a widget for the custom challenge. Once the user signs in, the App will display the HomePage showing a button for the user to sign out. Follow these steps to create the s...
context) => Column( children: <Widget>[ CarouselSlider( items: child, carouselController: buttonCarouselController, options: CarouselOptions( autoPlay: false, enlargeCenterPage: true, viewportFraction: 0.9, aspectRatio: 2.0, initialPage: 2, ), ), RaisedButton( onPressed: () => buttonCarousel...
height(double) - Height for the Dash chat Widget. width(double) - Width for the Dash chat Widget. messages(List) - List of messages to display in the chat. text(String) - [optional parameter] If provided will stop using the default controller. ...
Added a new property customProperties to ChatUser model. [1.1.3] A small bug fixed with inverted message list. [1.1.2] Correct alignmnet to message buttons. Added readonly mode to dashchat which hides the inputbar. Fix avatar exception when username is null. [1.1.1] Fixed an issue wher...
messageTimeBuilder (Widget Function(String)) - Will override the the default message time widget. dateBuilder (Widget Function(String)) - Will override the the default chat view date widget. sendButtonBuilder (Widget Function(Function)) - Will override the the default send button widget. chatFoote...