Steps to Reproduce I was having inconsistent results with flutter auth using passwordless email authentication on iOS. A few users were not getting redirected to the app or the app was not finishing the sign in process. Since it was inco...
Note that my project root directory is inC:\Users\mocar\code\tg_app, and the flutter package name isapp. However, when runningflutter run, cmake puts the relevant dependency files inC:/Program Files/app, resulting inBuilt build\windows\x64\runner\Debug\app.exenot being able to find the de...
import'package:wechat_assets_picker/wechat_assets_picker.dart'; Android 依赖要求项目的安卓原生部分整合至 Android embedding v2, 更多信息请至Upgrading pre 1.12 Android projects查看。 需要声明的权限:INTERNET,READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE,WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE,ACCESS_MEDIA_LOCATION。 如果你不需要ACCESS_MEDIA_LOCAT...
It's a plugin that generates an asset index which we can easily find.It can be used on Android Studio or Idea.How to use1.Configuring paths in pubspec.yamlPlugin now supports automatic configuration:Right-click on folder or file, then click Flutter: Configuring Paths. 2...
Confirmed that I can force the assets to load properly in the a2a case by just manually replacing the directory string in question with a hardcoded lib/main.dart - so that is where we should be looking. Just need to find out why we aren't looking there in the first place. Member gmac...
Expected to find fontsfor(packages/cupertino_icons/CupertinoIcons, MaterialIcons), but found (MaterialIcons). This usually means you are referring to font familiesinan IconData class but not including theminthe assets section of your pubspec.yaml, are missing the package that would include them,...
Be aware, I/O related methods will consume performance (typically time and memory), they should not be called frequently. With http http package: The http package uses MultipartFile to handle files in requests. Pseudo code: import 'package:http/http.dart' as ...
This usually means you are referring to font families in an IconData class but not including them in the assets section of your pubspec.yaml, are missing the package that would include them, or are missing "uses-material-design: true". It doesn't break the build, but nevertheless pretty...
When usingNSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescriptionon iOS, it requires usingonEntitySavingoronXFileCapturedto handle the captured file, anAssetEntityis not available in this circumstance, obtaining that asset with its ID will lead to a crash. Then import the package in your code: ...
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M) { when { ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission( MainActivity@this, android.Manifest.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE ) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED -> { val outdir = Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS) ...