import 'dart:async'; Future<int> sumStream(Stream<int> stream) async { var sum = 0; await for (var value in stream) { sum += value; } return sum; } Stream<int> countStream(int to) async* { for (int i = 1; i <= to; i++) { yield i; } } main() async { var stream...
Its job is to wait until it gets the final value. Await is used with async functions and that run asynchronously, giving users the choice to wait for the asynchronous mode to finish before continuing. 25. Can you tell us which function compiles and updates the app?Hide Answer In Flutter,...
Future<bool> contains(Object needle) async { await for (var event in this) { if (event == needle) return true; } return false; } Future forEach(void Function(T element) action) async { await for (var event in this) { action(event); } } Future<List<T>> toList() async { ...
I want to hold on until my loops have finished, however, it seems to finish my function without doing all jobs inside the loop. i = 0; await Future.wait( el) async { if (el.file != null) { Uri uri = await MyStorageService.uploadImage( ...
流可以通过多种方式创建,后续在仔细讲解,但是它们都可以以相同的方式使用:异步for循环(通常仅称为await for)遍历流的事件,如for循环迭代遍历。例如: Future<int>sumStream(Stream<int>stream)async{varsum=0;awaitfor(varvalueinstream){sum+=value;}returnsum;} ...
Steps to Reproduce Run flutter app through Xcode Run flutter attach in terminal, wait for it to finish Quit the flutter attach by pressing q Run flutter attach again It should throw an error like this (may not be exactly the same dependi...
setMessageHandle((message) async { // 通过async修饰的方法 返回值为Future, 而此返回Future<String> print('message') // 这个消息来自于native, "Hello,I'm Android" setState(()=> { // 重绘之前搞事情 }); // 返回信息给客户端 return "To native" }) } // 步骤二:通过EC实例 注册了一个...
w.waitUntilReadyToShow(windowOptions, () async { await w.setBackgroundColor(Colors.transparent); await; await w.focus(); await w.setAsFrameless(); }); 此时会发现应用打开时在左下角闪一下再居中。这是由于原生win32窗口默认是左上角显示,而后在flutter通过插件才居中; ...