中的video_player插件不能正常播放HLS视频,在android中测试正常。 在HarmonyOS鸿蒙Next环境中,若flutter_packages中的video_player插件无法播放HLS视频,这通常与插件对特定视频格式的支持情况或系统解码器配置有关。 HarmonyOS和Flutter平台对视频播放的支持依赖于底层的媒体框架和插件的实现。HLS作为一种流媒体协议,其播放...
Video_playeris an aptly named open-source library for playing videos. It is compatible with iOS, Android, and Web (although it has some limitations in browsers). Video_player is easy to use and easy to integrate, which is an advantage. However, it doesn’t offer many additional features b...
视频组件本身其实不是很大的问题。官方提供的video_player插件支持iOS、Android、Web三端,Demo已经可以跑通;虽然没有提供Windows和Mac版本,但提供了统一接入的方案,自定义一个理论上就可以用;另外Web和PC客户端有替代关系,可以把进度往后推一些。 真正的麻烦在加解密算法。腾讯云VOD的文档and/or产品做的实在太烂了,没...
[video_player] : Video Streaming(HLS) is stopping time to time in Android(playback error)#106328 Closed stuartmorganremoved thep: first partylabelFeb 10, 2023 darshankawarmentioned this issueMar 7, 2023 video_player live stream stops after some time with below error ,#122025 ...
Hi, I'm facing a problem with the video player. HLS (m3u8) video from the asset is not playing on the iOS device. I've downloaded all the ts chunk files with playlist.m3u8 and copied them to the asset folder. Android there is no issue it...
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'isSupported') packages/video_player_web_hls/src/video_player.dart 331:66 shouldUseHlsLibrary dart-sdk/lib/_internal/js_dev_runtime/patch/async_patch.dart 84:54 runBody dart-sdk/lib/_internal/js_dev_runtime/patch/async_patch.dart 123...
video_player_web_hls: ^1.0.0+3 Add <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/hls.js@latest" type="application/javascript" ></script> in index.html above <script src="main.dart.js" type="application/javascript"></script> or above <script src="flutter.js" defer></script>About...
video-player-web-hls Supports hls on chrome and other browsers. pinnable-listview A ListView widget capable of pinning a child to the top of the list. flutter-sound This plugin provides simple recorder and player functionalities for bothandroidandiosplatforms. This plugin handles file from remote...
目前支持MP4、MP3、FLV、HLS等单个媒体文件的加载。 仅支持UrlSource播放方式播放视频的预加载,暂不支持VidAuth、VidSts方式播放视频的预加载。 开启本地缓存功能,详细操作请参见本地缓存。 获取FlutterAliPlayerMediaLoader实例。 //FlutterAliPlayerMediaLoader实例为单例,即无论获取多少次,创建的都是同一个实例。f...
Here is where the video element is created and injected into the page on the video_player plugin. A couple of notes about m3u8; the actual name of this tech is HLS (HTTP Live Streaming). MDN: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Guide/Audio_and_video_delivery/Live_streaming_w...