lib src video_player.widget.dart video_player_oneplusdream_web.dart 15 changes: 9 additions & 6 deletions 15 example/lib/home.dart Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ import 'dart:async'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:...
wj-yang-pro / flutter_video_player Public forked from likeconan/flutter_video_player Notifications Fork 0 Star 0 Code Pull requests Actions Projects Security Insights Files master android example ios lib .gitignore .metadata LICENSE analysis_options.yaml demo_...
构建版本号等) url_launcher 跳转到其他应用/浏览器 flutter_easyrefresh 上下拉刷新 refresh_indicator 上下拉刷新 logging 日志打印 shared_preferences 持久化键值对 sqflite 持久化数据库 marquee 滚动文字组件 carousel_slider cached_network_image 网络图片 加载缓存 flutter_cache_manager video_player path_provider ...
我们已重新启动Flutter Favorite项目!在此周期中,Flutter 生态系统委员会将flame、flutter_animate、flutter_rust_bridge、riverpod、video_player、macos_ui和fpdartpackage 指定为新的 Flutter Favorite。 敬请您持续关注更新的 Flutter Favorite 内容。您可以向委员会发送电子邮件消息 (电子邮件地址:flutter-committee@google...
A VLC-powered alternative to Flutter's video_player that supports iOS and Android. Installation iOS If you're unable to view media loaded from an external source, you should also add the following: <key>NSAppTransportSecurity</key><dict><key>NSAllowsArbitraryLoads</key><true/></dict> ...
我们重新启动了Flutter收藏夹计划!在此周期内,Flutter生态系统委员会指定了flame、flutter_animate、flutter_rust_bridge、riverpod、video_player、macos_ui和fpdart等包为新的Flutter收藏夹。祝贺所有获选者! 请期待将来的新的Flutter收藏夹。要提名包或插件作为潜在的未来Flutter收藏夹,或将任何其他问题带到委员会的注意...
onVideoEnd; final void Function()? onVideoPrepared; final void Function()? onVideoTimeChange; /// 播放器控制器具体到源代码目录查看参考fijkplayer\lib\ui\panel.dart /// ``` /// @param {FijkPlayer} player - /// @param {BuildContext} buildContext - /// @param {Size} viewSize - //...
Dream11 is one of India's biggest Fantasy Sports platforms. The goal of Dream11 is to impact the Sports Ecosystem of India positively. Dream11 app is a Sports Fantasy platform in which people create fantasy teams for a real sports match and join different contests. Every single player of yo...
Dart video_player 23、自动调整文本大小---可以用于(输入备注多文字) Dart auto_size_text 24、屏幕適配 Dart flutter_screenutil 25、工具类:时间、日期、日志等 common_utils 26、图片压缩 flutter_image_compress 27、自定义键盘 cool_ui 说明:所有的Flutter插件都可以通过pub官网去查找 ...
flutter/98155 - App crashes after upgrading to 2.10.x using webview + video_player plugin. flutter/98361 - Error in DL bounds calculations causes incorrect SVG rendering. flutter/97767 - New material icons are not properly rendered. flutter/95711 - Linux builds default to building GLFW. 2.10....