import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; void main() { runApp(MyApp()); } class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MaterialApp( home: Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( title: Text('Remove TextField Underline'), ), body: Center( child: TextField(...
To remove the border or underline of a TextField or TextInputField, you need to create an InputDecoration where the border is set to InputBorder.none. The InputDecoration has some arguments for setting the border based on the state of the field. Setting only the border argument should be en...
TextField onEditingComplete TextField onSubmitted TextField inputFormatters TextField controller TextField Flutter中的文本输入框(TextField)就类似于Android中的EditText,但是用起来比EditText方便很多,改变样式也更加的方便。下面我们来看一下TextField的构造方法 构造方法 const TextField({ Key key, this.controller...
top: 4.0) 设置内边距 child: Text( '欢迎进入登录界面', textAlign:, //字体是否隐藏 inherit: true, //字体样式 大小,颜色 color: Color(0xFFffffff) ,color: Color.fromARGB(
JFWidth(14)) :JTextFCMake(JFFont(15), rgb(28, 218, 159))]; valueL.text = [NSStri...
return TextField(decoration: InputDecoration(border: InputBorder.none)); b. UnderlineInputBorder 一般设置为底部一条直线边框样式;小菜测试时设置边框圆角为 10dp 加上背景色效果更明显; return TextField(decoration: InputDecoration( filled: true, fillColor:, border: Underline...
child: Text('清除编辑框的文本'), ), ) ], ), ), ); } 编辑框控制器销毁 @override void dispose() { // TODO: implement dispose _controller!.clear(); _controller!.removeListener(_conListener!); _controller!.dispose(); _controller = null; ...
returnTextField(decoration:InputDecoration(border: InputBorder.none)); UnderlineInputBorder一般设置为底部一条直线边框样式;小菜测试时设置边框圆角为10dp加上背景色效果更明显; returnTextField(decoration:InputDecoration(filled: true,fillColor:,border:UnderlineInputBorder(borderRadius...
this.focusedErrorBorder, // errorText 存在时获取焦点边框 this.disabledBorder, // 不可用时边框 this.enabledBorder, // 可用时边框 this.border, // 边框 this.enabled = true, // 输入框是否可用 this.semanticCounterText, this.alignLabelWithHint, // 覆盖将标签与 TextField 的中心对齐 ...
[2]下面是 TextStyle 参数 :名称 功能 decoration 文字装饰线(none 没有线,lineThrough 删除线,overline 上划线,underline 下划线) decorationColor 文字装饰线颜色 decorationStyle 文字装饰线风格([dashed,dotted]虚线, double 两根线,solid 一根实线,wavy 波浪线) wordSpacing 单词间隙(如果是负值,会让单词变得更...