To remove the underline, you have to pass an InputBorder that doesn't have any border line. Assuming there is no state-specific style that has been set, you can set it to have no border by passing InputBorder.none to the border argument. TextField( decoration: const InputDecoration( bord...
TextField(,maxLines:1,autofocus:false,,maxLength:11,maxLengthEnforced:true,focusNode:phoneFocusNode,decoration:InputDecoration(hintText:"请输入手机号码",labelText:"手机号",prefixIcon:Icon(,// 未获得焦点下划线设为灰色enabledBorder:UnderlineI...
1.1 TextField构造器 1.2 TextFiled属性说明 1.2.1 InputDecoration属性说明 1.2.2 TextInputAction 1.2.3 inputFormatters的使用 1.2.4 buildCounter的使用 Flutter中关于表单的相关控件有:TextField、CheckBox、Switch、Radio、Slider、CheckboxListTile、RadioListTile、SwitchListTile、Form。本文主要介绍TextField TextField ...
Flutter学习第十三课:文本组件Text和输入文本框TextField一:文本组件Text {代码...} 文本样式属性TextStyle {代码...} textAlign文本应如何水平对齐enum:...
print('TextField lost the focus'); } } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return new Scaffold( appBar: new AppBar( title: new Text('My Test Page'), ), body: new SafeArea( top: false, bottom: false, child: new Form( ...
例如,DefaultTextStyle小部件得到的TextStyle应用于未样式化的Text小部件。 Flutter 中的小部件是用户界面一部分的不可变描述。小部件类的所有字段都是最终的,并在构造函数中设置。小部件构造函数只有命名参数。一个部件可以有一个或多个部件作为子部件。Flutter 应用的小部件创建了一个树状层次结构。Flutter 应用入口...
30)// 尾部留白Text("划重点").underline().foregroundColor(.yellow).fontWeight(.heavy)Text("可...
hintStyle: searchFieldStyle ?? theme.inputDecorationTheme.hintStyle, border: InputBorder.none, ), ); }Stringgetquery => _queryTextController.completeText;setquery(Stringvalue) { _queryTextController.completeText = value;// 更新实际搜索内容_queryTextController.text = value;// 更新输入框内容if(_...
We found an issue in the framework. When we create a TextField and we want to hide the counter, we used the buildCounter and returned a SizedBox.shrink(). This however caused the text to be misaligned vertically due to a padding at the bottom of the input field. (Potentially caused by...
Flutter: Customizing the TextField’s Underline Flutter form validation example /Flutter: Making Beautiful Chat Bubbles (2 Approaches) You can also check out our Flutter category page, or Dart category page for the latest tutorials and examples. Related Articles How to make Circular Buttons in Flut...