Text('This is a long text that will wrap to the next line because softWrap is true.', softWrap:true, ) 2.5 文本溢出 如果文本超出了小部件的边界,除了自动换行外,还可以设置overflow属性来定义如何处理溢出: Text.rich( TextSpan( text:'This text will fade out when it overflows.', style: Text...
At the moment if a word doesn't fit on a line flutter moves it to the next line, for longer words especially without spaces (e.g. file path location) it looks ugly. Wrapping by letters would work much better in this case. Proposal Sometimes you want to choose how to wrap text, e....
The Skia team is about to start looking into this. Rough plan is something like: Run the line breaking/word wrap algorithm as we currently do If there is overflow beyond maxLines and ellipsizing is enabled, then ignore the last line break and shape the entire rest of the text as one lin...
Wrap 可以实现流布局,单行的 Wrap 跟 Row 表现几乎一致,单列的 Wrap 则跟 Column 表 现几乎一致。
child: Wrap( spacing: 8.0,// 主轴(水平)方向间距 runSpacing: 4.0,// 纵轴(垂直)方向间距 children: tag()), ); } List<Widget> tag() { List<Widget> list = []; infoData['videoTag'].forEach((val) { list.add( ClipRRect( borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(100.0), ...
4:Text--文字 代码语言:javascript 复制 constText(this.data,{TextStylethis.style,TextAlignthis.textAlign,TextDirectionthis.textDirection,Localethis.locale,boolthis.softWrap,TextOverflowthis.overflow,doublethis.textScaleFactor,intthis.maxLines,Stringthis.semanticsLabel,/// Creates a text widget with a [...
Text(really)), Chip(label: Text(really)), Chip(label: Text(really)), Chip(label: Text(really)), Chip(label: Text(really)), Chip(label: Text(really)), Chip(label: Text(need)), Chip(label: Text(a)), Chip(label: Text(job)), ]); } } 答: 只需要将 Row 替换为 Wrap 就可以了...
Press the new key-combination CTRL+., which will open up a new context menu “Quick fix” and move your selection to “Wrap with Builder” Press Enter, and immediately press CTRL+S after, to safe your changes. Note: Saving your file also let’s the VsCode flutter extension magically form...
The easiest way to syntax highlight a block of code is to wrap it with triple backticks followed by the language. Here's an example: ```dart class SomeCode { String name; } ``` See the list of supported languages above for what to use following the first triple backticks. ...
Just wrap your text widget with Expanded as shown below Expanded( child: Text('data', maxLines: 4, overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis, textDirection: TextDirection.rtl, textAlign: TextAlign.justify,), ), So you can try with this Expanded( child: Text( 'a long text', overflow: TextOverflow...