默认情况下,Text小部件中的文本不会换行。如果文本超出了其父级小部件的宽度,它将被截断。要使文本自动换行,可以设置softWrap属性为true: Text('This is a long text that will wrap to the next line because softWrap is true.', softWrap:true, ) ...
as_LimitedWrapParentData;if(childCount>0&&runMainAxisExtent+spacing+childWidth>mainAxisLimit){// 换行if(maxLine>0&&runLine>=maxLine-1){childParentData._limit=true;break;}mainAxisExtent=math.max(mainAxisExtent,runMainAxisExtent);crossAxisExtent+=runCrossAxisExtent;if(runLine>0)crossAxisExtent+=runSp...
After updating to Flutter 3.7, when a TextField gains focus, the keyboard appears but then immediately is dismissed. This issue was originally reportedhere. I have confirmed that this issue does not occur in Flutter v3.3. This bug only occurs when a Router is used and only seems to occur ...
The Skia team is about to start looking into this. Rough plan is something like: Run the line breaking/word wrap algorithm as we currently do If there is overflow beyond maxLines and ellipsizing is enabled, then ignore the last line break and shape the entire rest of the text as one lin...
[newText("Unit 1 Lesson 3 About animal",style:newTextStyle(fontSize:20.0,fontFamily:"Round",color:Colors.white,),),newContainer(margin:constEdgeInsets.only(top:5.0,bottom:13.0),child:newImage.asset("assets/images/publish_work_line.png"),),newWrap(alignment:WrapAlignment.start,children:<...
1、贝壳找房开源的Bruno,组件很全了:https://bruno.ke.com/ 2、老孟基于 Element 做了一个组件库...
《Flutter 文本解读 7 | RichText 写个代码高亮组件》 《Flutter 文本解读 8 | Icon 与 RichText 的渊源》 一、 pubspec.yaml 中配置自动生成 1.需求分析 代码语言:javascript 复制 1.如果没有 fonts:节点,则创建 fonts:节点2.在[pubspec.yaml]中自动对 fonts:节点进行字体图标配置3.如果已存在 该字体图标配...
If a parent is to shrink-wrap its child, the child cannot simultaneously expand to fit its parent.image.png这段代码报的错,Row中嵌套row,嵌套row中有Expand,报错!解决方法: 在里面的Row外层包上Flexible就OK了。代码如下:Row( mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceBetween, children: [ Flexible( ...
另外还有流式布局也非常有用,比如Expanded、Wrap, 因为这些布局可以根据屏幕宽度自动换行。还有一个Stack...
Press the new key-combination CTRL+., which will open up a new context menu “Quick fix” and move your selection to “Wrap with Builder” Press Enter, and immediately press CTRL+S after, to safe your changes. Note: Saving your file also let’s the VsCode flutter extension magically form...