Horizontal scrollbar never shows Code sample Code sample import'package:flutter/material.dart';/// Flutter code sample for[PaginatedDataTable].classMyDataSourceextendsDataTableSource{@overrideintgetrowCount=>3;@overrideDataRow?getRow(intindex) {switch(index) {case0:returnconstDataRow( cells:<DataCell...
扑PaginatedDataTable rowsPerPage 能扑PaginatedDataTable rowsPerPage被设置为一个数字不是10整除?由FutureBuilder用于更新数据是从本地服务器获取。起初,该列表包含3项,其... dartflutter 回答2投票 0 Flutter:从子窗口小部件设置父窗口小部件状态 我是Flutter和Dart的初学者。因此,我正在尝试更新父窗口小部件的状态,...
Paginated Data Table : Fixed Row number at footer in last page by @aakash-pamnani in #130389 Fix TabBarTheme.indicatorColor not applied in Material 2 by @TahaTesser in #132123 Document that missed_frame_build_budget_count is misleading by @Hixie in #132137 More PageStorage clarity in the ...
Color secondaryHeaderColor,// 选定行时PaginatedDataTable标题的颜色。Color textSelectionColor,// 文本框中文本选择的颜色,如TextFieldColor cursorColor,// 文本框中光标的颜色,如TextFieldColor textSelectionHandleColor,// 用于调整当前选定的文本部分的句柄的颜色。Color backgroundColor,// 与主色形成对比的颜色...
In addition to providing scrolling functionality, the ListView widget also provides several features to improve the user experience, such as:Lazy loading: the ability to load and display only the data that is currently visible on the screen, which can improve performance and reduce memory usage. ...
Paginated Data Table : Fixed Row number at footer in last page by@aakash-pamnaniin#130389 FixTabBarTheme.indicatorColornot applied in Material 2 by@TahaTesserin#132123 Document that missed_frame_build_budget_count is misleading by@Hixiein#132137 ...